Part 19

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{A/n} I don't think angst really suits this book tbh


The word to describe what you were feeling recently.

Two weeks ago Jackson had caught you completely off guard and asked you out on a date as casually as asking you if he could borrow a pencil.

Obviously you agreed, but you had some troubling thoughts.

Were you going to be extremely awkward every time he tried to talk to you? What if he got bored of you quickly?

Your last relationship in high school was nothing serious and you had both ended it due to both of you going to different towns. It was also not really a relationship because of course Chaeyoung had set you up with him.

Ah, Jinyoung. The cute boy who always blushed every time a girl looked his way and who refused to sit with you at lunch if the boys were there too, for some odd reason that you never did find out.

Fortunately, dating Jackson had been smooth sailing so far. And for once, you weren't stressed or just content. You were actually happy.

Uncrossing your legs, you sit up on your chair and stretch exaggeratedly, making Jeongguk laugh.

Narrowing your eyes, you swat at him with the book you were reading and pretend to adopt a sour expression.

"Are my elderly habits funny to you, Jeongguk?" You dramatically exclaim, trying to keep a straight face as Jeongguk's eyebrows shoot up and he crosses his arms defensively when you say, "We're not all young and we don't all move as deftly as you anymore." Your teasing about his age is something you, Chaeyoung and the boys- all of whom are currently sat around you- do often.

"You're 6 months older than me," he grumbles, "hardly makes me young!" His exclamation makes Jimin look up from his phone, but rather than join in with the teasing which is what he usually does, he looks back down and continues to mindlessly scroll.

You immediately stop teasing Jeongguk and your face morphs into a glower for what seems to be the five hundredth time in the past two weeks.

Jimin had been really distant recently as if he was annoyed. But only with you and not the rest of the group. This ticked you off even more since you just thought you were starting to get along.

"Hey, what's his problem?" You hiss to Jeongguk, making sure Jimin can hear as well. You feel a small burst of satisfaction when his hand tightens around his phone and his mouth sets in a line. "Why is he so moody all the time?" You breathe heavily, finally voicing your thoughts.

"Er," Jeongguk looks conflicted, "I-I don't know," he mumbles pretending to go back to his textbook which, might you add, is upside down. You shake your head at his pathetic attempt not to get caught in the middle of an argument

"Well, he's just being unnecessarily temperamental," he snaps his gaze up, wearing a more-than-done-with-you sort of glare on his face.

"Do you have to say something about everything?" His raised voice makes everyone halt their conversations and look up at you.

"Why are you so two-faced?" You ask exasperatedly. "All cheerful and getting on with just about every body except me. And just when I think you're being a decent person," you scoff.

"It's happening again," Hoseok whispers and Chaeyoung tuts at him, hitting his arm.

"Not everything is about you, Y/n," the strong dislike in his eyes is almost enough to bring tears to yours because why is he being like this all of a sudden?

"I didn't say everything was about me, I just wanted to ask why you're having mood swings all the time."

The way everyone's heads are turning from you to Jimin give you deja vu. Except this time it's not a tiny spat between you. This time you're not just annoyed by his usual annoying behaviour. This time you're actually upset.

You get even more upset when he ignores you and just continues to look down at his phone as if you're not worth his precious time.

"I'm done," you choke back tears, "I'm going to go find Jackson," you say mostly to Chaeyoung giving her a small smile.

"Yeah, you go do that," Jimin scoffs.

Knowing that Chaeyoung is probably going to give him a lecture after you leave, you ignore him.

Walking away from the table you don't look back at almost everyone's concerned gaze on you.

Again you force yourself not to cry, telling yourself not to be such a fucking baby as you get your phone out to call Jackson.


{A/n} Unedited. Not much angst, I changed my mind. Also I'm incredibly sorry about how rubbish this chapter was. The next ones will be much better I promise 💖 And thank you so much for 35k reads!! Again really really sorry about the chapter.

Creds to suganities for making my cover its amazing ilyyy❤️

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