Part 12

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You and Chaeyoung were currently having a sleepover to celebrate you getting the internship, and according to Chaeyoung so were the boys.

"Wait," said Chaeyoung with a suspiciously evil smile, "so let me get this right. Jimin- as in Park Jimin- hugged you. Jimin. The same Jimin we hang ou-"

"YES," you glare at her since she was doing this on purpose, "THAT. JIMIN. Now shut up. I told you what happened and that's the end of the conversation. We did not have sex behind the shelves and we never will. Okay?" You seethe.

"Okay, okay calm down," she laughs, reaching in for another strawberry lace.

"I don't get how you can be so oblivious though," she mumbles.

"What was that?" You ask, not hearing her.

"Nothing," she shakes her head with a tiny smile, "I'm sure you'll figure it out soon enough."

"What are you talking about?" You mutter at her weirdness. Before you can press her any further however, The door of your dorm room knocks.

"Who could that be?" Chaeyoung looks at you confusedly.

"I don't know," you shrug, "I'll go check."

The first mistake you make is not looking into the little eye hole.

The second is opening the door.

"CHAAAARGE!" You hear Hoseok scream.

You don't have time to process the fact that Taehyung, Jimin, Yoongi, Jungkook, Seokjin, Hoseok and Namjoon are all holding water guns until they start pelting you with them.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" You sputter, getting soaked and running back to your room where Chaeyoung is.

"CHAE, SAVE YOURSELF!" You exclaim dramatically, as the boys show no mercy.

"What?" She looks around, not seeing the boys until they're already spraying her.

"NO, NOT THE HAIR!" She screams.

"P-please," you sputter, "we surrender, we surrender!!"

"NOPE," Jungkook grins, continually spraying you.

At that moment you decide you want to wipe the smug grin off of Jimin's face as he's the one spraying you the most.

You run through the water attack and snatch Seokjin and Taehyung's water pistols. Chaeyoung seems to get the idea and snatches Yoongi and Hoseok's. At this point Jungkook and Namjoon have run out of water so it's just you, Chaeyoung and Jimin.

He looks scared.

Good, you think, this was probably his idea. Payback time, you grit your teeth.

Chaeyoung, decides not to use the water guns, only using them to ward off the boys in case they snatch them off her or try to help Jimin.

Jimin tries to make the first move.

That's when he realises his water gun is now empty.

You feel an odd sense of satisfaction seeing the blood drain from his face as terror overcomes his expression.

"Karma's a bitch, Park," you smile innocently before spraying his pretty blonde hair and soaking his entire body.

Chaeyoung also starts spraying the boys who dramatically clutch their hair.

"WE'RE SORRY!" Screams Taehyung.

"PLEASE STOP!" Seokjin begs, "W-we bought food! I promise!" he splutters.

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