Part 10

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"So," you try and hide your smile, "what do you think of Taehyung?"

"T-taehyung?" Ji-Eun stops walking in the middle of the hallway, "As in Kim Taehyung?"

"Yeah," you nod at her, trying your best to sound casual.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean," you nudge her with your elbow, "do you think he's cute?"

"C-cute?" she stutters, "Erm, well, I don't really know him very well," she laughs nervously.

"Ok, but what if I told you he thinks you're cute?"

"He does?!" She says instantly with wide eyes. "I-I mean cool, yeah, whatever," she tries to recover.

Well, you think, now I know the answer to that question.

"How would you feel if he were to ask you out?" You say, grinning at this point.

"I guess I would say ye-" she stops and looks suspicious, "wait is this a prank?"

"No!" You assure her, not wanting to mess this up for Taehyung. "I promise. He's actually interested in you."

"Well," she looks down, "I guess I would say yes," she mumbles quietly.

You breathe out a sigh of relief.

"Ok, good, he's had a crush on you for ages."

"What?" She looks astonished.

"Oh, fuck," You facepalm, "I don't think I was meant to tell you that."

Ji-Eun doesn't respond. You assume she's still in shock.

Ah, young love.

But anyway.

"So are you free this Saturday?" You ask her.

"Yeah, why?"

"He's probably going to ask you out later," you smile, "on a double date, because he doesn't want you to be uncomfortable. He's kind hearted like that." You add.

"Y/n, you can stop trying to put in good words for him," she smiles shyly, "I already like him."

"Oh, thank God," you laugh, "anyway dress nice for the double date on Saturday," you smirk.

When she stops blushing she innocently asks you, "Is it with you and Jimin?"

"What?" This time its you that stops in the middle of the hallway. "No. No, no, no. It's with Chae and Yoongi."

She must sense how wrong she is and seeing your facial expression change like lightning she says, "Y-you guys aren't together...?"

"No," you try to smile. You don't want to scare her away. "Why would you think that?" You laugh, although it probably sounds very forced. And bitter. Which you are.

"Oh, sorry. It's just that he looks at you a lot, so I just, you know, assumed," she shrugs.

"Yeah, he probably glares at me when I'm not looking. Pfft, everyone thinks he's such an angel. Guess they're wrong then aren't they," you mutter to yourself like a crazy person.

"Yeah," she drags out the word, "so, erm, I need to go."

You look up from your mini rant, realising you're being weird.

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