Part 6

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"Ow!" You mutter under your breath after being poked by a leaf, "The things I do for friendship," you scowl from your current position, crouched behind a plant in some fancy restaurant, spying on your best friend.

How did you get here?


A few weeks after the project planning you had done with Jimin, Chae had somehow plucked up the courage to ask Yoongi out.

You remember how nervous she was even though you and the boys knew he would say yes instantly. Which he did. Almost embarrassingly fast.

Now here you are, spying on your best friend and her date to make sure it goes well. You know Yoongi wouldn't do anything weird, but after all the times Chaeyoung had done this for you, you couldn't help but return the favour.

Your legs were beginning to cramp at this point and nothing out of the ordinary had happened, so you blew out a puff of breath, bored out of your mind.

"Psst. Y/n! What the hell are you doing here?!"

Jimin's eyes are wide with confusion and once he takes in your position he raises an eyebrow.

Then you see that he is also crouching and you say, "I could ask you the same thing, Park." Even though you already knew the answer.

He rolls his eyes at your use of his surname which you always use.

"One of us had to come see how Yoongi's date is going. We played rock, paper, scissors and I lost," he scowls, "I'm guessing you're doing the same for Chaeyoung?"

"Yes. I am. Now shut up and hide so we're not obvious," you hiss at Jimin.

He rolls his eyes again, completely use to your blunt way of speaking, and moves closer so that he's well hidden.

After a few moments of silence as you watch them talking and laughing, with a fond smile on your face, you notice Jimin is staring at you with a smirk.

Specifically staring at your choice of clothing.

You furrow your eyebrows and ask him, "What are you staring at, Park?"

He looks at your face, his smirk getting bigger, and says, "Nice hoodie, Y/n. Looks good on you." And then he looks away and back to Yoongi and Chaeyoung.

You look down, confused, at your hoodie.



It's his hoodie.

"I-I didn't even realise!" You splutter, trying to defend yourself, although the effect is ruined by your stutter, "I just picked it out of my closet, I swear. I didn't do this on purpose or anyth-" You stop talking as soon as you see Chaeyoung.

"Oh my god, she's blushing," you gasp, "What are they talking about?" You wonder aloud.

Jimin is about to say something, but you take him by the shoulders. Moving him forward slightly, you stand behind him and lean on him whilst standing on your tiptoes to get a better look, hands still on his shoulders.

Since it's quiet in the restaurant now, you can slightly hear what they're talking about, although it's nothing interesting.

Despite this, you smile and start to gush about how cute they are together.

You ignore Jimin who's laughing slightly at how cute you sound when you're babbling.

"Wait," Jimin says, "What's he doing now?"

You lean up again, not even realising you're pressing up against Jimin even more, although you don't process this in your mind since you're too busy smiling at Yoongi, who tucked a piece of Chaeyoung's hair behind her ear.

"Oh my God, they're fucking adorable," You continue to gush.

"Yeah, I guess so," He chuckles.

Wanting to get an even better view, you try to stand up higher which results in you stumbling and unintentionally throwing your arms around him and clutching his chest from behind.

"Woah, woah, careful," he mutters, grabbing your waist from behind and turning around to steady you.

His hands are still on your waist.

Error: sensory overload. Abort mission, abort mission!!!!!

"Erm, I-er, sorry," you stutter and look down quickly, avoiding eye contact.

You don't notice that he's still looking at you, but looks away when you speak, "We should get going now and give them privacy. It looks like they're doing fine," you mumble.

"Yeah, ok," he replies,"Do you have a ride home?"

"Erm, no," you say, still awkward as heck, "I was just gonna walk home, it's not that long a walk," you shrug.

"No, I can just give you a ride," He furrows his eyebrows.

"Really, Jimin. I said it's fine," you argue because you don't want to owe any favours to him.

"For fuck's sake, Y/n," He pinches the bridge of his nose, getting annoyed, "stop being stubborn for once and just let me give you. A ride. Home."

You huff out a breathe and hesitate for a few seconds.

"Fine," you say not wanting to annoy him further, "thanks, I guess," you mumble, not used to thanking him.

He rolls his eyes at you and breathes out a sigh of relief that he won't have to argue with your annoying self any longer, "Ok, let's go, my car's parked five minutes away."

As he walks to the door which is thankfully not in the view of your friends, you can't help but grimace.

This isn't going to be awkward at all.

Welp. I wrote this in the space of two hours, hopefully it isn't that bad. This is the first chapter I don't actually hate lol. However it is unedited so don't mind mistakes.
I love you all thank you anyone who is reading this fanfiction right now, it's gotten over 200 views ahhhh i'm so grateful ❤️❤️❤️🖤🖤🖤

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