Part 5

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It had been two weeks since you had last talked to Jimin. You could honestly say these were the best two weeks of your life.

Well, except for the fact that you had been given a shit ton of assignments to get done. This meant that you had been in a permanent zombie-like state: hair constantly in a messy bun (not the fashionable kind), dark circles under your eyes due to all nighters and surviving only on coffee during the night which meant that you suffered a caffeine low during the day and gave everyone a bitchy glare when they looked at you.

Let's just say you weren't going to be asked out any time soon. Not that you minded.

You knew Jimin had been working just as hard as you because you both took the same classes and you knew how much effort he put in for his grades. Yet he didn't look like a truck had repeatedly run him over several times.

You had glanced at him several times during class to see how much attention he was paying and to get an idea of how much harder you needed to work.

And every time you stared... You couldn't stop.

This had been becoming a problem for about a year now.

Yes, you hated him more than the tiny smudges of marker that the teacher leaves on the whiteboard when wiping it. But you couldn't deny; puberty had fallen on him harder than you had fallen for Andy Biersack.

A couple of years ago, if he had worn an oversized hoodie and ripped skinny jeans he would have looked awkward and cute.

Now when he wore that outfit, girls would be thirstier than a dehydrated fish in the Sahara desert.

You, on the other hand, were just jealous of his hoodies. To be fair though, you were jealous of everyone's oversized hoodies.

You had a thing for hoodies.

Apparently you also had a thing for staring at Jimin's face recently.

You just wished his personality would be as angelic as his face. Ok fine, his character was also angelic and he had a heart bigger than your love for hoodies. Just not towards you.

But back to the point. It had been two weeks and you should have known that the lack of Jimin in your life was too good to be true.

It was as if the universe had intended for you to never be at peace as long as Park Jimin was involved.

Your professor had just set you an assignment and given you all the information which you had scribbled down in your messy handwriting.

Everyone in your Biochemistry class had assumed that it was a solo project.

That was until the professor had called out right at the end, "Wait, everyone before you leave I would like to remind you that this is a partnered project and I will be putting you all into pairs." Everyone groaned.

You didn't mind too much about being partnered with anyone because you knew it wouldn't be Jimin.

You were sure that your names couldn't get picked together again from the bowl of names your professor had, like they had been for the last project.

And you were right.

Because the universe had decided to play another sick joke on you which you realised as soon as hearing your professor say, "I forgot the bowl of names in my office, so you're all going to be in the same pairs as last time. Ok, you're all dismissed."

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