Part 9

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"I don't think we can be friends anymore."

"Jungkook, stop being dramatic," Jimin rolls his eyes, "I don't get why everyone is getting so offended by the fact that I put the milk before the cereal."

Everyone gasps.

"Wow, it's like I don't even know you," Hoseok shakes his head.

"Yeah," Chaeyoung agrees, "I don't think I can ever look at you the same way again."

"I'm suddenly regretting all those years of friendship," Seokjin says, giving Jimin a disappointed look.

Namjoon, Yoongi, Taehyung and you all shake your heads at Jimin.

He gives you all a blank look and starts stabbing his rice, muttering about how he needs new friends.

"Hey, Y/n," you hear a quiet voice. Looking up from your homework you see Ji-Eun, a girl from your BioChem class.

"Hi," you smile at her since you got on fairly well. You didn't know her that well though, you mostly knew her as the quiet girl who sat at the back of the classroom, distinguishable by her long, blonde hair.

"I was just wondering if you had the notes from yesterday's class," she asks timidly, "I wouldn't ask, but I wasn't there yesterday, so.." she trails off.

"Oh, no worries," you assure her, "here you go," you give her the notes from your folder.

"Thanks," she gives you a small smile, "I'll give them back to you tomorrow in class. Bye."

"Bye!" You wait until she's gone and then turn to Taehyung who had been staring at her the entire time she was here.

"Why do you look like you've been hit by a truck?" You ask with an eyebrow raised.

"Oh," Namjoon sniggers, "he has a huge crush on her."

"Wait, really?" You ask, eyes wide since he hadn't mentioned this before, "since when?" You ask him.

"About three months," Taehyung mumbles.

"Well," you venture, "if you want, I can put in a good word for you and ask her what she thinks about you?"

"Really?!" He asks excited,"would you do that for me?!"

"Sure," you shrug.

"Ah, Y/n, thank you, thank you, thank you!" He attacks you with a huge hug.

Despite not being able to breathe, you chuckle at him and return the hug because Taehyung, you've learnt, loves hugs so it's pointless to fight back.

He also reminds you of a beagle so you can't stop yourself from ruffling his hair as you laugh at him kissing your cheek. Since he does this with you and Chaeyoung in a completely platonic way all time, you don't feel uncomfortable, but instead start squirming in his hug laughing at how much it tickles.

You notice Jimin scowling slightly for some reason. You stop laughing and instead feel irritated. Was your presence that annoying that it put him in a bad mood without you even doing anything?

Before you can think of any other reason, Hoseok, who is sitting on your other side, also attacks the two of you yelling, "I want a hug too!!" You just chuckle at his bright personality which you've never been able to say no to.

You hear the noise of a chair scraping backwards and everyone looks up at Jimin. He has a blank look on his face but you notice that when he swings his bag on his shoulders, his knuckles are pale from gripping it so tightly.

"Where are you going?" Yoongi asks.

"To the library," he mutters, "I just realised I had some work to do."

As he walks away you notice the boys sharing a quick look with each other, but you don't think anything of it since you need to finish your assignment which you won't be able to do later on seeing as you have work at the diner.

Once you've finished the last question you get up out of your seat and tell everyone you'll see them tomorrow.

Chaeyoung who was talking to Yoongi, looks up and gives you a knowing look. You narrow your eyes at her and make a mental note to ask her about it later.

As you walk away from the cafeteria, your mind strays to Jimin.

Normally you would be the one to always get annoyed. Even though there was a big rivalry between the two of you, it was mostly you that kept it up by hating Jimin.

Jimin, on the other hand, would most of the time be infuriatingly patient and genuinely nice to you because he knew it would irritate you. And because it wasn't in his nature to be mean to anyone without a reason.

So why was he so put off with you now that you were hanging out with the boys every day instead of a few times a week, ever since Chaeyoung had been dating Yoongi?

Sighing to yourself, which you soon realised probably looked weird to people walking past you, you think of Taehyung and Ji-Eun instead.

You smirk to yourself thinking how fun it's going to be playing matchmaker with them.

You also realise how weird this must look to people and you stop immediately.

So this chapter deleted itself after around 500 words and I had to rewrite it trying to remember everything so it would be the same 🙄🙄. But apart from that little breakdown that I had, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter ❤️🖤❤️🖤✌🏻

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