Part 13

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The first thing you feel when you wake up is arms.


You crack one eye open and see that somehow Taehyung and Jimin are acting as more of a blanket for you than your actual duvet.

You sigh and gently pry off Jimin's arms. It's harder to do this with Taehyung since this boy literally cannot go ten minutes without cuddling. You manage to get out of his vice like grip with much difficulty.

Wanting to get a head start on their payback for yesterday, you put Taehyung and Jimin's arms around each other instead so that they're cuddling.

Aw, cute.

You take pictures for blackmail.

"Y/n?" Chaeyoung rubs her eyes, looking up at you.

"Morning," you yawn, making your way to the bathroom to brush your teeth and she follows to do the same.

After the two of you exit the bathroom, you go the kitchen to start making breakfast.

"So," she leans on the counter, watching you get stuff out of the cupboards, "Jimin's been getting a little touchy with you lately."

You drop the Nutella jar.

"Chaeyoung," you whisper-scream, "they are literally a few feet away! Shut up before one of them hears you and thinks we're talking about Jimin!"

Jimin, who was making his way to the kitchen, stops walking upon hearing his name and listens by the door, out of your sights.

"But we are talking about Jimin," Chaeyoung says as if it's obvious.

"No," you glare at her, "you're talking about Jimin. I'm ignoring you."

"So we're just going to pretend like you weren't stroking his hair last night like a girlfriend would do?"

"First of all," you grit your teeth, not being able to see Jimin's smirk, "I have a knife in my hand and I'm not afraid to use it. Second, I am nowhere near close to playing a girlfriend role or anything of the like in Jimin's life. And I don't want to be," you scowl.

"You said that with so much sincerity that I would believe you if you weren't blushing."

This makes Jimin's smile grow wider as he tries not to laugh.

"He has soft hair okay?!" You exclaim.

"Ok, but you were also staring at his face," Chaeyoung raises an eyebrow, teasing you even though she knows you don't like Jimin.

"And he just so happens to have a nice face as well!" You whisper. "If only it made up for his ugly personality."

"Let's be honest here. Do you really think that's true?" She gives you a questioning look.

You stay silent for a minute because you both know his personality is as lovely as his face.

"Stop talking before I hit you with this pan," you wave the pan threateningly in her face.

"Yeah, well," she sighs, "maybe if I hit you with the pan you'll be able to see the last five years clearly," she mumbles, so that you don't hear. Jimin is glad that you don't hear, because Chaeyoung and the boys had promised not to say anything to you.

Since you're now off of that conversation, Jimin decides now is the best time to walk in.

"Morning," Jimin mutters in his husky morning voice, running his hands through his hair.

You and Chaeyoung both reply, but your back is facing him so he doesn't see you blushing.

"I'm gonna go wake the rest of them up," Chaeyoung gives Jimin a thumbs up whilst he rolls his eyes at her, glad that you can't see what's happening.

"What are you making?" Jimin mumbles in that same morning voice, walking up behind you to see and then resting his forehead on your shoulder.

"Pancakes," you say, mentally cheering yourself for not stuttering this time.

You deserve a medal.

"Cool," he moves beside you, slinging an arm around your shoulder, "I've already brushed my teeth and stuff, need any help?" He stifles a yawn, eyes half closed from sleep.

"Y-yeah," damnit, "could you start cutting up the fruit?"

He nods cutely, walking over to sit on the counter and starts skilfully cutting up strawberries.

Great. Another thing he can do better than you.

Once he's finished, he walks over and leans on the counter watching you plate out the pancakes.

You glance at him once, but then glance again. This time with scrutinising eyes.

"What?" he says, frowning, bottom lip poking out slightly, "why are you looking at me like that?" He looks up at you with doe eyes and a slight pout and you resist the urge to clutch your heart like an old woman.

Get yourself together, Y/n.

"Nothing," you quickly say, "it's just that your hair is sticking out slightly," you quietly giggle at how funny it looks and you don't see his gaze linger on you for a second too long, watching you laugh with a tiny smile on his face.

"There," he tries fixing it, but fails to flatten down one bit.

"Wait, you didn't do it properly," you say feeling like a parent and flattening down his hair.

Yoongi walks in on that moment and you swear it's like God has planned out your unfortunate life in order to make it as difficult as possible.

You quickly retract your hand and Jimin smiles at you, eyes turning into half moons as he says, "Thanks," and carries out some of the plates into your room.

Yoongi sniggers when Jimin has walked out of the kitchen and goes to also get some of the plates.

"Hey, Y/n," you look up at him, "can you fix my hair for me?"

He starts laughing uncontrollably as you swat at him with your towel all the way into your room.

Whoops another fluffy filler chapter😅😅.
I promise I'll get my life together sometime soon and actually think of a plot so that jenniveveL  won't have to listen to my constant whining about how I don't know what to write😅(thank you
for the help ily❤️)
I hope you guys enjoyed this random little chapter. I wouldn't have written it, but I felt bad not putting something up.
Thank you, loves, for all the support

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