Part 23

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"So..." You look at Chaeyoung with a frown etched on your face. "Am I catching feelings or do I have a stomach ache, because in all honesty I can't tell."

Chaeyoung stares at you.

"You called me in a state of panic to ask me if you had a stomach ache." The way she phrases the sentence is in no way a question; it sounds more like a threat and most likely the last words you'll ever hear from anyone.

"Was the beginning of my sentence deaf to your ears?" You sigh dramatically, falling back onto your bed in an unnecessary state of distress.

"No, it sounded like you said: "Am I catching feelings?" But I chose to ignore seeing as last time this happened, you didn't even end up liking the guy!" Throwing her hands up in boredom and sinking into your pillow, Chaeyoung shakes her head at you disapprovingly.

"Hey, don't give me that look. This is different," you frown.

"Oh, is it now?" Chaeyoung rolls her eyes.

"Fine, I just wont tell you then," you shrug, faking nonchalance.

"Okay, fair enough," Chaeyoung grabs a book from your bedside and flips it open to the first page.

"Wait, no!" You pout, tugging on Chaeyoung's arm. "That's not what you're supposed to say."

"Unless you're wanting to confess your undying love for someone who goes by the name of Park Jimin, I'm not interested," Chaeyoung peers at the book which, unsurprisingly, is upside down- contradicting her previous statement.

Sighing, you grab the book and set it down on your bed.

"Okay, love is a strong word. You can't just throw it around like that," you furrow your brows. "You can't love someone that you strongly disliked just a month ago," you point out, not registering your words until Chaeyoung chokes on air.

"Disliked," she mutters, eyes narrowed. "Y-you said disliked. That's past tense!"

"Really? I thought it was future tense."

"Y/n, shut up and explain yourself before I punch you in the neck."

Sighing deeply, you slump into your duvet. Curling up into a ball, the corners of your mouth are dragged down by the heaviness that is the weight of all the thoughts swirling in your mind.

You offer Chaeyoung a glance and her expression softens. When she reaches out to place her hand on your arm, you think that maybe she sympathises with you.

And then she pushes you off the bed.

"Stop being sulky and answer my question!" Chaeyoung demands, all softness forgotten.

"Well, maybe I was going to before you pushed me off the bed." You glare, using your fallen duvet to pull yourself up from the floor.

"Y/n, I swear to GOD-"

"Okay, yes. I like him a little bit," you squirm when Chaeyoung gasps.

"I'm actually going to cry," Chaeyoung whispers. "You have no idea how long we've waited for this day," she pretends to wipe a tear.

Actually, you're not sure if she is pretending.

"Who is 'we'?" You question, tilting your head.

"Me, Ji-Eun, the boys, God, Tupac-"

"Okay, I get the point!" You cut her off hastily.

"Sorry," she grins and you swear that her eyes are watery.

"What am I meant to do now?" You worry your lip.

"About liking Jimin?" Chaeyoung asks, and when you hum in agreement, she gives you a scathing look as though the answer is obvious.

"You tell him, of course."

ly guys❤️😙

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