Part 3

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As soon as you and Chaeyoung are out of the cafeteria's view, you let go of her wrist, close your eyes and take in a deep breath.

When you open your eyes Chaeyoung starts running.

"YOU SNAKE. GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!!" You scream at Chae, whilst chasing after her.

"NOT TODAY, BITCH," She flails her arms around dramatically as she runs away from you, "I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE! I HAVEN'T EVEN MARRIED YOONGI AND HAD TWO KIDS WITH HIM YET!"

"Yeah well, maybe you should have thought about that before suggesting that me and Jimin have 'sexual tension'! You know how annoyed that makes me!" You stop running and pout.

Chaeyoung sees this and immediately softens, "Aw Y/n.. don't be upset, i'm sorry.." She comes over to hug you and you wipe the pout off your face and smile. She realises her mistake and the last expression you see on her face is one of fright. 

You tackle her to the floor. 



"Oh my God, stop being so dramatic," Chaeyoung sighs, "You're acting as if this is as bad as the snake incident."

You snigger, "Ok it's not as bad as that. I still can't believe Hoseok didn't talk to Tae for a whole month."

Taehyung had bought a pet snake the year before and had 'forgotten' to tell Hoseok when he went round to his house. As you laugh remembering how loud Hoseok had screamed that day, you don't notice Chaeyoung who had managed to slip her arm out from under you. She manages to flip you around and ends up sitting on you instead.

"What I want to know," She calmly says as you try not to choke on your own hair, "is why you're allowed to ship me and Yoongi but i'm not allowed to ship you and Jimin."

"Because," You seethe, "Yoongi is a decent human being, whereas Jimin is the spawn of Satan." You think about your statement and decide to correct it. "No, actually he's Satan reincarnated."

"You're only saying that because you wanna get in his pants."

You give her a blank look, "Chae, that doesn't even make sense."

"Yeah, well neither does your hatred for Jimin," She huffs, "Your babies would be adorable, you know." 

You pretend to gag, "That is not a thought I need in my mind. Now if you could move your salty ass off me, I would greatly appreciate it. I need to get to work." 

You work at a diner to earn some extra money because, although your family is fairly well off, you want to able to support yourself in university with your own money since your parents pay for your tuition fees. Therefore you decide to work at the diner which is a popular place for students at your university to visit. Which reminds you.

"Wait Chae, what day is it...?"

She gives you an awkward smile, and you know what she's going to say. 

"Sorry, it's Friday," She chuckles when you let out a dramatic groan.

It's Friday, which means that Jimin and the rest of the boys will be there. Just like every Friday. Yay.

Normally you're happy serving familiar faces, but today you don't know if you want to face Jimin. Not because you're embarrassed. You just don't want to get fired because you punched a customer.

"Oh! Also I need a favour," Chaeyoung smiles sheepishly, "I need you to give Yoongi some stuff for our class project. I would do it myself, but I need to walk to the library and you know how far away that is," She pleads.

"I wasn't aware snakes could walk. I thought they only slithered," You deadpan.

"Oh my God, Y/n let it go already. I'll buy you coffee and king size Reese's peanut butter cups," She offers as she hands you the papers without waiting for your answer as she already knows you'll agree if coffee and Reese's are involved.

"Urgh, fine," You agree, because it's not like you'll have to talk to Jimin or anything. 

And if he does try and provoke you, you'll just ignore him, right?


Here's another crappy chapter... I wasn't really pleased with this one especially, but oh well :/

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