Part 22

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"How much longer?"

"I literally just started driving, Y/n."

"We're probably gonna be late!"

"We still have an hour, Y/n."

"If we're late, I'm blaming you."

"Oh no, how will my conscience deal with that?"

"You're driving too fast."

"Okay," Jimin lets out a slightly maniacal laugh, one hand on the steering wheel and the other running through his hair frustratedly, "how about I️ let you drive."

"But I️ don't have my licence."

"Exactly. So stop complaining," Jimin says through gritted teeth, yet all you do is sigh and kick your feet up on the dash.

You see, Jimin doesn't let anybody do this- yet when he looks over at you to tell you this, he can't possibly find it within himself and he removes his gaze back to the road like the absolute wet blanket that he is.

Hearing an agitated sigh coming from your direction, he immediately turns his head towards you to find that your eyes are full of worry and that you're nervously biting down on your lip.

"Don't do that," he clears his throat before speaking. "It'll start bleeding."

This just brings forth another stressed huff of air from you.

Thinking that he probably did something wrong that you're waiting to reprimand him about, Jimin ignores.

Another impatient noise.

For a split second Jimin closes his eyes to wonder how on earth he came to love someone as annoying as you.

Think about how lovely she is, he internally reminds himself, think about how funny and strong willed and kind hearted-

"Hey!" He exclaims when you deliver a sharp flick to his forehead, rubbing the spot indignantly after throwing you a scathing look.

"People usually keep their eyes open when they're driving, Park," you deadpan before looking away, feeling a tiny bit of remorse blossoming in the pit of your stomach when he hisses after touching the spot where you flicked him.

"Sorry," you mumble after a few seconds and then immediately wanting to hit yourself on the forehead when he grins at you.

"Apology accepted, Y/n," he says quietly which makes you really wish there were someone else sitting in the car with you to diffuse the weird tension.

It wasn't necessarily an awkward tension. Or even a bad tension. It was a foreign sort of feeling hanging around in the atmosphere full of unspoken words and something else you couldn't quite put you finger on.

Of course you can't put your finger on it, Y/n, it's not tangible, you dense kumquat, you think to yourself, scoffing aloud at your own stupidity- a regular occurrence.

"What have I done wrong now?" Jimin uses a monotone voice as he changes lanes.

"What? Oh. No, I was just talking to myself. In my head that is. Not.. not out loud obviously. Y-you would have heard me, I- never mind, I'll shut up now," you turn your head to the side to cover your warm cheeks in your hair which was conveniently worn down today, suddenly deaf to the sound of Jimin's laugh.

"No, it's cute," he says as casually if he was announcing 'Oh look- we've arrived!'

Which reminds you to look outside the window and- Oh look- you've arrived...

"I don't wanna do this, let's drive back," you blurt out, half serious.... only half.

"It'll be fine," Jimin unbuckles his seatbelt, chuckling at your dramatics as he gets out of the car to go to your side and open the door.

"What if I mess up?" You ask frantically, still seated when he opens you door.

"Y/n there's more chance of the fifty other people messing up before you do," he says with a shake of his head, patiently waiting for you to unbuckle you seatbelt with raised eyebrows.

"Okay," you say with a slight pout, getting out of the car reluctantly.

"But if we have to go in partners, I'm going with you," you try a hopeful look, widening your eyes and slightly tilting your lips upwards and at that moment Park Jimin thinks his pathetic heart might give out.

"Bold of you to assume I want to be your partner." He wants nothing else than to be your partner.

"Bold of you to assume any one else will want to be your partner," you childishly scrunch up your nose and stick your tongue out at him.

"You got me there," he pretends to look defeated, which only makes you laugh. "I'll be your partner then- pinky promise," he holds out his pinky finger and you intertwine your own, feeling oddly reminiscent.

Once you set the promise in stone- pinky promises being the most serious and most official way, of course, you start to think.

Park Jimin might be a complete asshole at times, and he might be an annoying presence in your life- but you had to admit that you could always rely on him to be there.

Even if there was him being the reason you had a scowl on your face for the entire day, but that's not the point.

The point, you decide, is that you don't mind him being there and that if he wasn't, you would feel as if your life was missing something.

A good thing, you think.



Sorry for completely ignoring this mess of a book, I was really procrastinating writing this tbh

Hopefully if all goes to plan there should only be a couple of chapters left!

Have I ever told you guys how much I love you because WOW EVEN THOUGH I DIDNT UPDATE WE HAVE 61K READS I AM S C R E A M I N G.
You guys give me more than I deserve
:, )

aaaaalso if you have tumblr go check out mine if you wanna read some more of my writing since I've posted two things on there for Got7 and Stray Kids and there should be more for BTS and also NCT on there that I won't be publishing on wattpad- since they're oneshots.

But yeah I love u guys and i'll try and update more often 😤❤️

But yeah I love u guys and i'll try and update more often 😤❤️

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