Part 4

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"Y/n, table 5 is requesting you!" Calls your manager, Lena from out front.

You sigh, "Coming," You call out, and walk out from behind the counter ready to face your nightmares come to life.

Aka Park Jimin.

As you make your way to their table, 6 faces smile at you whilst you try to smile back, simultaneously pulling down the skirt of your uniform. Last night when you had washed it, it had shrunk slightly. How fucking convenient.

"Hey, guys," You mutter, avoiding Jimin's eyes. You can feel his stare burning a hole in the side of your head, but you stay stubborn.

You hear a chorus of various enthusiastic greetings from all of the boys except Jimin.

"By the way Yoongi," You suddenly remember, "Chae needed to give you some stuff for the project you guys are doing. I have it in my bag, i'll get it when I bring your order. Just the regular for you guys?" You ask, hoping that a certain black-haired, demon child will stay quiet.

He doesn't.

The rest of the boys mutter a "Yeah," and go back to watching some stupid, funny video on Hoseok's phone. But since God has decided to test your fucking limits for the 100th time today, Jimin decides to change his order, which means that you're going to have to smile and talk to him. You internally shudder.

"Actually, Y/n," Jimin says with his oh-so-angelic smile, "I'll have number 6 on the menu. No, wait, number 11. With a side of salad. And a large Coke. Hmm, or maybe I should have Sprite? What are your thoughts?" He grins at you, with a smile that momentarily makes you blind.

"Just have whatever," You say through gritted teeth, "It really does not take. That. Much. Thought."

Knowing that he's irritated you, he smiles and says he'll have sprite. You glare at him and walk away, trying to ignore the fact that he occasionally glanced at your legs which are on show more than they normally are due to your stupid washing machine settings.

When you come back to their table with a massive tray full of food fit to serve 100 people, not 7 19 year old boys, you struggle to place it down on the table.

But before any of them notice you're here, Park freaking Jimin decides to get up and help you.

For one tiny, tiny second, you think he's actually being nice to you.

That thought soon vanishes when he gets up. Since you got quite close to the table in order to put the food down, when Jimin gets up to 'help' you, his leg intentionally brushes past your skirt, pushing it higher.

Your hands start to shake because of how badly you want to hit something. Jimin, who notices how annoyed you're getting, smirks. He places the food on the tray one by one on the table as slowly as he possibly can. This means your still holding the tray, unable to push your skirt back down.

Once he finishes, you immediately hand Yoongi the stuff for his project and tug your skirt down as far as it will go. He, along with the rest of the boys, haven't noticed the little exchange going on with you and Jimin since they're way too busy watching the video.

You turn to Jimin and just as you're about to punch him for the second time today, he catches both your hands and holds them tightly.

"I don't think so Y/n," He smiles, his eyes twinkling with amusement, "I'm a customer remember? Plus, your manager is watching." You see out of the corner of your eye that he's right.

He tugs you down a little and leans in, "You don't wanna get fired now, do you?" He whispers.

You snatch your hands out of his grip, mutter "Fuck off", and walk away before he can see the blush on your cheeks, although your sure that he probably already has.

Ok this is probably the worst chapter yet so i'm sorry but here you goooooo
I keep saying that the future chapters will be much longer but i always want to get them done so i just publish whatever i've written 😅😅
Also shout out to its_just_padfoot  for helping me think of a something for this chapter❤️

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