Part 11

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For the entire day you and Jimin are very high strung.

Anyone who talks to either of you either gets ignored until you realise they're talking to you, or gets an angry glare as you're forced to look up from your laptop.

You had completely forgotten that today was the day you would be getting word back from the Lab where you applied for an internship at.

Although it's possible that both you and Jimin could get in, you doubt that you will seeing as a lot of people all over the country are applying.

You just don't think you're good enough.

You first see Jimin when he walks over to the table you and the group normally sit at in the library. You, however, are alone today because Chaeyoung and the rest of the boys didn't want to risk stressing you out today. You're grateful.

You see him putting his bag down and his laptop on the table and then you decide to look up at him.

You're about to ask him whether or not he's gotten an email back, but your words get stuck in your throat when you see him.

"Holy shit," you say without thinking. "Your hair is blonde," you furrow your brows.

"Great observation, Y/n," he rolls his eyes.

You have a strange urge to reach out and touch his hair but you manage to restrain yourself.

Because, like a lot of things you do, that would be weird.

"Hello?" Jimin snaps his fingers in front of your face, "Earth to Y/n?"

You realise you were staring at him.

"Sorry," you blurt out, looking away, "Erm, did you get an email yet from the internship people?" You cleverly change the subject.

What an intellectual.

"No," he sighs, "have you?" He looks stressed.

"No, I haven't either," you bury your face in your hands.

"Don't stress," he says, whilst stressing, "whatever happens, happens. I'm sure you're going to get in no problem.

"If I get in then you obviously will as well," you snort.

"I doubt that," he gives you a look as if to say 'come on'.

"Ok," you look straight at him, "If we both get in then you have to take me to McDonald's whenever I feel like it."

"Wait, forever?!" He exclaims.

You think about this.

"Nah," you decide, "just once. But no matter when, you have to say yes immediately."

"Ok," he looks unsure, "fine."

"Good," you smirk, "Now let's change the subject away from the internship. What time are the emails meant to be getting sent out again?"

"Two pm," he looks at the time. "We still have ten minutes."

"Ok," you say, biting down on your lower lip, a nervous habit.

"So," you change the subject, "when did you dye your hair?" You ask, genuinely curious.

"Last night," he grimaces, "I lost a bet with Taehyung. Long story, don't ask."

"Oh, ok," you say, not surprised. This was pretty common between the boys.

"8 minutes," he says, looking at the time again.

"Stop," you groan, "That's just stressing me out even more."

"Sorry," he runs his hand through his hair.

Ok, Jimin, was that really necessary?

Trying not to creepily stare at him again, you go back to refreshing your page and you see that he's also doing the same.

At this point you've given up on conversation and are just trying not to scream at how slow the time is going by.

8 minutes later you stop refreshing your page because you see that you've gotten an email.

"I got the email," you state, standing up immediately.

"Same," Jimin says, also standing up.

You move on to the same side of the table and put your laptops next to each other.

"Ok," you look at him.

"On the count of three?" he looks at you.

You nod, "Three."


"One," you both open the email at the same time.

"I got in," you whisper, trying to come to terms with it, "I got in, I actually got in, Jimin. I got in!!" You repeat louder.

"So did I, Y/n!" He exclaims, hugging you tightly.

You're so happy you got in that you don't even care that you're hugging Jimin.

You just hold on even tighter, trying not to cry with joy about the fact that all your hard work actually paid off.

"I'm so happy right now, oh my God," your voice comes out muffled since your pressing your face in his chest, trying to hide the fact that you're crying.

"I can't believe we both got in," your voice cracks, and he gently pulls you back to look at your face.

"Y/n," he chuckles at you, "don't cry, you should be happy!"

"I am happy, you idiot," you sniff, hitting his arm half heartedly. "Also, you owe me McDonald's now," you remind him.

"Oh, yeah," he groans, "why did I agree to that?"

"Because no one can refuse me, I'm a delight," you noisily blow your nose into your tissue, "also sorry, I made your shirt wet," you pout.

"It's fine," he shakes his head in amusement, pulling you back into the hug, which confuses you.

But you don't pull away.

"Think about it though," you look up at him, "in a few months we're going to be working in a Lab with other scientists," you grin, widely

"I know," his happy expression mirrors yours, "I can't believe it, we have to go tell Mr Lee and Miss Song."

"Oh," you gasp, pulling away from the hug to get your bag and laptop, "and I promised to tell Chaeyoung as soon as I got the email. I'm assuming you promised the boys as well?"

"Yeah," he says, holding onto you from behind, refusing to let go for some reason.

Again, you don't stop him.

This is new, you think.

Gently removing his arms off of you, you roll your eyes at his pout and grab his hand instead as you drag him with you, running to go tell your friends the good news.

This is just a filler chapter I wrote it really quickly so don't mind any mistakes😅. I'm sorry nothing really happened but I didn't have time to think of anything for this update sorry:(
Thank you for reading, loves.❤️🖤❤️🖤

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