Part 15

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"Can I get two Bic Macs, two large fries, a portion of chicken nuggets... erm what else?" Jimin turns to you and you look at him with wide eyes.

"I'm not going to be eating that much!" You exclaim and he scoffs.

"Y/n, you haven't eaten all day," he deadpans, "I'm going to make sure you eat that much," he says firmly, raising an eyebrow as if he's daring you to argue against him.

You don't. Instead you just curse him under your breath and he rolls his eyes and confirms the order.

"That'll be 17250 won, please," says the shy girl working at the till, who seems to be around the same age as you.

"I'll get it," you mumble, pulling out your purse, but Jimin stops you and pushes the purse back into your pocket.

It's a good thing you're wearing blush today so the heat rising in your cheeks will be less noticeable.

"Don't be stupid, I'll get it," he shakes you off.

"Park," you narrow your eyes, "I am perfectly capable of paying for my own food."

"Too late," he smiles, sliding the money directly into the girl's hand. You don't miss the way she blushes when his hand makes contact with hers.

"Thanks," he leans over the counter giving the girl an eye smile.

You try not to gag as she so obviously bites her lip trying not to grin.

"Well, I'm going to go get a seat," you manage not to sound bitter, "feel free to join me when you're done flirting," you say under your breath so the girl doesn't hear.

"Wait up, I'm coming," he runs up behind you, slinging an arm around your shoulder.

"Why do you look so annoyed?" He smirks as though he knows the answer to the question.

"I'm not," you change your expression into a blank mask of composure as you slide into the booth. You should be a spy.

"Okay," he decides to let it go, sitting opposite you.

He totally believes you.

"So you weren't thinking about punching that girl who I was 'flirting' with?" Damn, Park.

"Why on earth would I be thinking that?" You ask, choking on your own saliva. FBI material.

"I don't know," he shrugs, leaning forward. "But, if it makes you feel any better, she's not the one who owns one of my hoodies," he winks, leaning back in his seat.

The waitress cuts off anything you were about to say by bringing the food to you and placing it on the table.

You look down as she leaves, hoping that somehow staring at your chicken nuggets as you shove them into your mouth will help you come to a conclusion as to why Jimin has been so nice to you recently.

For years and years you and Jimin have argued day after day and it's startling that he's suddenly not picking arguments. You don't know why and you hate not knowing.

Your phone vibrates so you take a look at who's texting you.


Did u butt text me again?


Ok.....  So what's up?

Bish. Don't "whats up" me.


U should be. I'm actually very offended that you didn't tell me u were going on a date with Jimin. For real this time 😒😓.

I'm not?!?! Where the fuck r u rn????

Wellllll. Me and Yoongi were going to go to McDonald's for a date. Until we saw u and Jimin just now. So we left. Didn't wanna disturb u😉😉😉😉.

oH mY GoD NO. We r taking a study break I sweAR. AND STOP USING THE WINKY EMOJI.

Mmmmhmmm, sure. Just though u would like to know that he was smiling at u when u were glaring at your food😏. This boy practically had loVE HeART eYEs😍😍. ashdjfjahd he's so whipped for u😂😂



Oh look another plotless chapter whoops.
Hope u enjoyed it :/
I can't believe we have over 700 reads thank youuuu❤️❤️
Hopefully I'll be planning the plot of this book on Thursday with @Starbucks_13__ but knowing us we'll get distracted and just end up lazying around in my room 🤷🏻‍♀️

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