Part 14

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"It's like you don't even have to open your mouth to make my head hurt."

"But I'm bored," Jimin whines at you, head resting on the table as he pokes your cheek.

"Listen, Park," you put your pencil down and turn to him with a fierce glare, "you are the one who wanted to get the final bit of the project done today. So stop. Complaining." You go back to your work, scribbling furiously on the piece of paper.

"Back to calling me Park, huh?" You can hear the grin in his voice.

"I always have," you mimic his tone, trying to be all nonchalant.

Needless to say, being nonchalant isn't your forte.

"Hmm," he says, sceptically, trying not to smile, "but anyway. It's been four hours!" He pouts, pulling on your arm.

"Jimin," you sigh, putting your face in your hands, "we need to get this finished."

"But we should take a break. It's not healthy," he says, slightly more serious this time.

"We don't need a break!"

"Yes. We do," he says, fully serious this time and you feel an argument coming along. You're glad seeing as you feel like you've been slightly friendly with Jimin lately.

"For the last time. We're not taking a break," you say through gritted teeth.

"Y/n. You can't do the project alone, and I need to take a break. So just listen to me for once, and let's go," he says, raising his voice.

"For fuck's sake, Park," you shout, "why don't you listen for once and let's get the project over with already?!"

"Why are you even arguing with me on this?" He says, his face in a scarily calm expression. One thing everyone knows is that Jimin is rarely angry, but when he is, you just have to hope it's not directed towards you. "You know I'm right so stop being so proud and admit it. I'm right."

"Like hell you're righ-"


You and Jimin jump and turn in the direction of the voice which you're sure has left the both of you temporarily deaf.

"IF I HEAR YOU TWO SHOUTING AT EACH OTHER, ONE. MORE. TIME. I WILL NOT HESITATE TO ESCORT YOU BOTH OUT OF THE LIBRARY. PAINFULLY," screams the red haired librarian who reminds you of an elderly fox.

"Sorry," whispers Jimin, although you can see from his eyes and the way his hands are shaking slightly that he's trying not to burst out laughing.

"Yeah, we'll stay quiet now," your voice wavers at the end, trying not to laugh. This is difficult as Jimin has buried the side of his face in your shoulder, turning away from the librarian as his whole body shakes with laughter.

"I'll keep my eyes on you," she whispers threateningly, peering through the top of her glasses and the scene is so comical that you're in physical pain from trying to be serious.

When she walks away you almost fall off your chair from laughing.

"Sh-she looked like she was going to implode!" You laugh, clutching your sides.

"Her face," Jimin gasps for breath, holding your arm for support, "matched her hair!" He dissolves into another fit of giggles.

Wiping a tear from your face, you straighten yourself out and go back to your work.

Jimin notices this and stops laughing, "Seriously?" He raises an eyebrow, unamused.

"What?" You say, occupied.

"You're seriously going back to work?" He deadpans.

"Of course," you mumble.

"Y/n, I honestly don't think I've ever met anyone more annoying than you. And that's saying something, seeing as I hang out with Taehyung."

You ignore him so he grabs your hand and snatches your pen away from you.

"Jimin!" You whisper shout, not wanting to awake the librarian from hell. "Give me back my pen!"

"Make me," he rolls his eyes as you try and grab it out of his strong grip.

The most exercise you've ever done is running after a sheet of paper that the wind blew away when you tried studying outside. Never again, you internally shudder. Your weak tugs do nothing so you try and remove his hands from the pen instead.

"Y/n," he smiles, a picture of angelic innocence, but his words contradict this, "if you wanted to hold my hand, all you had to do was ask."

His statement is so cliche that you scoff and just shove him, making him laugh.

"Fine, Park," you reluctantly say, "we can take a break. But we're coming straight back here after an hour. The library closes at 9 so we have an hour for a break and then two more hours to  finish the project."

"Finally," he's quick to get up from his chair and pack his stuff away.

"Pinky promise?" You hold out your pinky expectantly.

You normally have a more mature persona, but growing up with a father who always made you pinky promise to do your work and chores in exchange for small rewards like ice cream before dinner meant that you never grew out of the endearing habit.

He raises his eyebrows, surprised at your childlike action.

"I'm waiting," you frown.

"Pinky promise," he shakes his head at you and then linking his finger with yours.

Once you're satisfied with his promise and you're about to remove your pinky finger from his, he tugs you forward, making you stumble.

"I'm starting to think you're just making excuses to hold my hand," he says under his breath, but you're so close that you can hear his deep voice near your ear.

"Stop being such a sleaze, Jimin," you laugh, pushing him away. Again, trying to be all nonchalant, hoping he doesn't notice your voice being higher and your hand slightly shaking. Ah, yes, how nonchalant.

He just grabs your hand that pushed his shoulder and holds it there, leaning in and saying, "You called me 'Jimin'," he smiles.

"Erm, no I think you're hearing things."

"Sure," he rolls his eyes, "call me Jimin more. It makes you sound like you don't actually want to murder me."

"In that case, no," you finish packing your bag and start walking.

"Wait, where are we walking to?"

"McDonald's!" You suddenly exclaim, remembering his promise.

"Okay," his eyes lingering on your smiling face, as you jump up and down with childlike excitement.

"Away we go!" You exit the library doors, pointing forwards and running out.

"You're such a nerd," Jimin laughs, running after you.

I'm baaaaack.
This is a really bad chapter but I was having a little writing race thing with @Starbucks_13__
and it helped because I finally have something to update lol. Please excuse the plotless chapter. I probably will think of something for this book at some point. My life is a mess right now sooooo😅. This is unedited so ignore any mistakes. I love you all, thank you for almost 600 reads omg💚🖤💚🖤💚😁😁

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