Part 17

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The harsh glare of the screen of your digital alarm wakes you up from your peaceful sleep and instantly you let out a groan at having to wake up.

Your phone buzzes, so you pick it up but you ignore the message as you make your way to the bathroom.

Looking at yourself in the mirror, you blink tiredly for a few seconds and then grab your hairbrush to try and tame the results of last nights fitful sleep.

Sighing, you grab your toothbrush and start to brush your teeth whilst simultaneously checking your notifications. As you do this, you stop brushing your teeth and blink again, this time in confusion when you see someone's snap.

You don't remember having streaks with anyone except Chaeyoung, Ji-Eun and Hoseok so you wonder if it's too early for this, but you send one back nonetheless

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You don't remember having streaks with anyone except Chaeyoung, Ji-Eun and Hoseok so you wonder if it's too early for this, but you send one back nonetheless.

You don't remember having streaks with anyone except Chaeyoung, Ji-Eun and Hoseok so you wonder if it's too early for this, but you send one back nonetheless

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the blonde was fading and i wanted a change so why not go with brown🤷🏼‍♂️
nice t shirt btw

black looks better on u
AnD SoRrY i DOnT iRoN mY pYjAmAs
also since when do we have streaks😫
i already have them with Chae, Ji and Hoseok

You have streaks with Hoseok Hyung?

and Chae and Ji, yeah

lol since when😂

198 days going strong boiiiii🙌🏻

oh ok cool

why do u care lmao

haha i don't😂
anyway i gtg get ready for class

ok cya👋🏻


I hate mornings. Why won't G-Dragon notice me on twitter? Does Brendon still talk to Ryan Ross? Wha-

"Oof!" Your internal monologue is interrupted as someone practically body slams you in the middle of the hallway.

"Oh God, are you okay?" The random stranger steadies you and you mentally burn a hole into his hand with your eyes as it's resting on your shoulder.

"I'm fine," you grit out and then look up to see Jackson Wang, from your BioChemistry class. "Oh," you swallow.

"Are you sure?" He asks again, concern still covering his soft features.

"Yeah, Jackson, I'm fine," you assure him. At the mention of his name he smiles.

"You know my name?" He asks.

"Well, yeah. We do have a class together, you know?" Not to mention you're extremely popular, likeable and half the people in this university know you.

"No I know that, Y/n," he laughs, "I just never thought you paid any attention to anything other than your books and that small group of friends you have. You hang out with Park Jimin and his friends don't you?"

"Yeah," you try not to sound surprised that he knows your name, and you give a tiny pathetic chuckle.

Damn your awkwardness in social situations.

"Could I get your number?" He blurts out, his eyes widening as he realises what he just said, "Sorry! If I'm being too forward, I mean. I just, erm, have actually kind of wanted to talk to you before, but you seemed kind of unapproachable."

"I'd like to keep it that way," you laugh, trying to make a witty statement and you wonder why his expression freezes.

And then what you said registers in your brain and you make a note in your head to go jump off a building later.

"I mean, yeah sure," you quickly correct, "here I'll type it into your phone," you try and change the subject. It must work because he grins at you and you exchange phones.

Once you're done, he passes his phone to you and you raise an eyebrow at the name he's saved it as.

"Wang Puppy?" You laugh.

"I'm cute like that," he winks. He's not wrong, you think, chuckling.

"You want to walk to class together?" He questions.

"Yeah, sure," you smile, walking besides him, wondering which higher powers in this universe made someone actually want to talk to you.

You wonder how you're going to explain this to Chaeyoung.

Hello, hello I'm back with another crappy chapter that has not been edited👋🏻
This is going to be my last chapter for a while probably (only until around mid June) :(
Just wanted to thank u guys for 2k i am so grateful for all of u thank u so much ahhh❤️
I also wanted to give a shout out to:

They all have amazing books that are definitely worth checking out so please go and show them some love!!
Please Vote and Comment, I love all of you so much!!! Bye💖🖤

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