Part 23

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"Blair open the door, please damn." I said knocking the door. "Leave me alone." She shouted. "What have I done." I said back calmly. She opened the door and walked back. "This is fucked." She said. "Wait what?" I replied back confused. She sounded so drunk. "Babe you're drunk." I said pushing my arm out to grab her. "We're fucked." She slurred. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I said as I stopped moving. "This thing we have. It's fucked. We're fucked." She shouted. I tried to calm her and myself down and continued to try and talk to her. "What do you mean?" I asked. She turned around, "You didn't even push Zara's hand away, I had to do it for you." She said. "But I said no before." I replied. "Why the hell are you made at me, you should be mad at Zara." I said trying to turn her around. "I am, I'm mad at you both." She replied. "You're just drunk, I know you don't mean anything you're saying right now." I said walking out. I walked down stairs and left her in the bathroom because she wouldn't let me touch her.
After around 10 minuets I heard a scream from upstairs. I ran upstairs to check if Blair was okay and ran into the door which was slammed shut. Her and Jay were on the bed and Jay was pressing her down. I ran over and tried to grab him off. He turned around and threw me out me out of the room. I started crying because obviously she was in there with him and he could do anything. I tried to get back in but I couldn't I really couldn't.
"Please stop, I'll do anything." I begged. "All I want is you." He replied. "Well this isn't gonna help get me." I shouted back. "All I want is for you to do what you did to Leo to me." He asked. "I can't." I said trying to push him off of me. In the end he forced me to kiss his neck and where he pleased. I kept hearing banging on the door and kept trying to shout but he just put his hand over my mouth. He suddenly let me go when he was satisfied. I ran out and Leo was stood there out of breath in pain from trying to get into the room. I ran over to him and lifted his face up. "Are you okay? Please be okay." He said really fast. "He didn't hurt me but I'm so sorry." I said. "Sorry for what?" He said worriedly. "He made me... I couldn't stop he wouldn't let me go." I said starting to cry. "What?" He said calm holiday my cheek in his hand. Jay walked out of the room and Leo handed me over to Jake and ran up the stairs. I heard a slam on the door and Jay and Leo shouting. I buried my head into Jakes chest and started to cry. Jake moved us both over to the sofa and held me. "Hey, it's gonna be okay." He said kissing me on the head. I just sat there in complete shock.
"Fuck." I heard Leo curse coming down the stairs. "I broke my knuckle." He said in pain. "We need to get you to A+E." I stated.
Me, Jake and Leo all got into Leos car and drove down to A+E. We walked into the centre and wait for about 2 hours, they take forever.
"Blair, that wasn't your fault. I don't blame you for what happened." Leo said holding out is good hand to mine, I got up and grabbed it as he pulled me towards him. "I just felt really bad that he made me do that." I replied. "It's okay." He said kissing my forehead. "Leonardo." One of the nurses said. Me and Leo walked into the room and they examined his hand.
"You've got a fracture in your knuckle so you will have to wear some sort of cast." The nurse said. As she turned to write some documents Leo whispered, "at least I can't still use my good hand for some pleasure." "You're disgusting." I whispered and laughed.
When we finally finished in A+E, Jake drove himself home and then we drove to our house. "Hey, I'm never gonna leave you, you know that?" Leo said randomly. "I love you." I replied back.
We walked into our house and walked upstairs. We both got ready for bed because we're both basically drunk and was really tired. We laid in bed just in silence. I started to kiss his neck to make him relaxed. "Stop." He said. "What why?" I asked, he's never asked me to stop before. "I just really don't feel like that right now." He said. "Is it because of tonight?" I asked sounding hurt. He paused for a second and said "No.", you paused, youre lying. I got up from the bed and left the room. "Look babe I'm sorry I just..." He said sighing. "When you did that I visioned you doing it to him. I didn't mean to I just... I dont wanna loose you to him." He said looking at me. "He forced me to do it Leo, I didn't do it because I wanted to." I shouted. "I know I just..." He said back. "No, it's not just and 'I just'-." I stopped my sentence midway and carried on. "Forget it. Ima just sleep in my parents bed tonight, goodnight." I walked off and into my parents room.

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