Part 26

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I woke up the sound of Blair crying. I turned over and hugged her from behind and rubbed her arm. "Hey, baby what's wrong?" I said. "I'm in pain, these cramp won't go away." She said crying. "Wait let me get you something." I said getting up from the bed. I walked down stairs and took a bar of chocolate out of the fridge and put in the microwave for one second to make it warmish, I then went into the medicine cabinet and got out some pain killers. I jogged back upstairs and put on one of small lights in our room. "Babe." I said getting back into bed. She turned around and saw I got. She turned back around and got a drink from beside her bed and took the painkillers from me. She took two and then took the chocolate. "Thank you, You're the best." She said. I kissed her forehead and put on Netflix. "Do you want any?" She asked. "Nah I'm good, it's for you." I said flicking through the different films. "No go back!" Blair said suddenly. "What? Hotel Transylvania?" I asked laughing. "Yessss." She said. "Okay okay." I said sniggering.
Blair was on phone for some time and then spoke. "My mum said that she's sorted a new school for us." She said. "What's it called?" I asked. "West field high or something." She replied. "Oh okay, I'll drive there, I don't think it's that far." I said back.
We both woke up and it was morning and Netflix was till on the tv. Blairs head was on my chest and I didn't wanna get up. I started to play with her hair and rub my hands through it. I saw a slight smile on her face. "Hey beautiful." I said tapping her nose. "Good morning." She replied.
"Hey beautiful." Leo said. His voice was so cute and sexy in the morning. Ugh I loved it. His hair was the same, all messy and scruffy. "Good morning." I replied. He kept playing with my hair, I felt so safe a relaxed, it was everything. "Hey lemme get the controller out of the cup the thing." He said. I lifted my head up and let him lift his chest up. "Gosh it's so hot in here damn." He said taking his top off. He led back down and turned on the Xbox. "What are you playing?" I asked. "GTA." He replied. "Omg can I have a go after you?" I said excited. "Wait you like GTA?" He said sounding surprised. "Yes, me and my parents played it all the time growing up." I replied.
After around an hour we stopped playing and finally got up. We both had breakfast and then I went into the bath. My body ached all over and i was so tired for no reason. I heard the door open and leo walked in. "I thought you were having a shower?" He asked. "I was but my body is so tired." I replied. "Aw okay." He said reaching my hand and kissing it. He walked back out and into our room.
I finally finished in the bath and walked into the bedroom. Leo was sat on the bed and as soon as he saw me he patted the bed indicating for me to come too. I sat on the bed and he started to take my robe off. "Lay down on your stomach." He said. He covered the lower half of my body with robe and started to give me a massage. I almost fell asleep, but didn't sadly. "You're actually pretty good at these." I said. He laughed. After he was done with the massage and let me put my robe back on and then grabbed my hands. He got some hand cream and started to rub my hands. "Why are you doing this?" I laughed. "Because I wanted to help you." He replied. "Tomorrow we have school and I want you to have at least today to have a relaxing day." He said. "Thank you, for everything." I said falling into him. I was so tired so I just fell asleep really quickly on just chest.
I woke up to the feeling of my ring being played with. "Trying to steal it?" I said. "I'm just looking." He said sniggering.
- Monday -
"Hey baby, wake up." I heard Leo calling. "Ugh no." I said putting a pillow over my head. Leo slid his head underneath the pillow and kissed me. "We needa go, we can't just not go." He said. "Okay, okay." I said lifting myself up, I felt like I had zero energy. Leo lifted me and held me like a baby. He carefully walked downstairs and rested me on the sofa.
- At new school -
"Okay so, these are all your new classes, so basically your timetable." One of the guys said. "I'm Colby by the way." He said. We both looked at him with a smile. We both walked to our classes finding our own way.
"Greetings." The teacher said. "Okay class this is one of the new students Leo-." As soon as the teacher said that I saw of the girls head swing round, I looked at her and it was Paisley. I walked to my seat and she kept staring at me. "Psst." She kept calling. "Leave me alone." I whispered back. "Leo how can you block me like that?" She said sounding shocked. "You're the one who cheated not me." I shouted and whispered at the same time. "Look, I didn't mean that, were still friends right?" She asked. "No." I simply replied. Class was finished and I walked out of the room trying to avoid her. I heard a slam down the hall so I tried to speed walk towards it. "Ow!" I heard someone shout. I walked faster and got to where the noise was coming from and someone girls had slammed Blair into some lockers. "Blair, baby, are you okay?" I asked helping her up. "Yeah I'm good." She said trying not cry. I grabbed her hands and took her into a room. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Yes." She said. She walked out of the room and back down the hall towards the canteen. I followed her and saw the Paisley was talking to her.
I walked out of the room and down the hall towards the canteen. I was stopped by some girl halfway down and she asked me about Leo. "So, are you and him a thing because that's cute." She said. "Yeah were dating? Why?" I asked. I saw Leo walking down towards us. "I was just wondering." She said. I felt Leos hand touch my hair and stay beside me. "Hey Leo." She said. "Leave us alone Paisley." He spat. "Wait how'd you know her." I asked. "We used to date." She said. "Oh." I replied. "Leo, remember what we used to do together. I bet you don't miss that." She said winking and walking off. I turned around and he had a sorry look on his face. "I'm sorry about her. She's just, i don't know." He said. "It's okay." I said walking with him towards the canteen.

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