(Warning: fluff overload in this chapter)
I finished on Caleb's blueberry pancakes and carried a stack of them upstairs into his room.
I was still feeling a little queasy, so I didn't want to eat.Caleb moaned as he took the first bite, "Marry me, please. You'd be such a good wife."
I snorted, but blushed a little, "I pity your future wife."
The brown haired boy ignored my comment as he chowed down happily.
"So," I started awkwardly, "I hate to bring this up again but... I talked to Matt and he told me that his boyfriend was so scared of you coming after him that he moved away. I assume they broke up. Why would you even do that? Go after him for being gay? I know we always make jokes, but you can't be that homophobic, right?"
Caleb put his fork down and sighed, "I know... I feel terrible, seriously. I don't know what I was thinking. I don't... hate gay people, it's just that- that I've grown up with this idea of how things should be and it's kind of hard to get that out of my head, you know?"
I nodded slowly.
"I'm trying, though," he said sincerely, "I'm really trying to not make the same mistakes again."
I nodded once more, looking up at him and biting my lip, not knowing what to say.
Caleb looked at me, his eyes darting in between mine for a second, before he scooted away from me a little and buried his face in his hands with a groan.
"What?" I asked quietly.
"Nothing. Stop acting like you can read my mind," he snapped and I flinched slightly.
He was getting pissy again, for absolutely no good reason."Okay," I whispered, taking his empty plate and getting up. I left the room without another word.
As I walked downstairs, I felt tears stinging in my eyes. God, I was so pathetic.
I'd never minded Caleb's mood swings that much, but now they just really hurt. All I'd been trying to do was talk to him, I hadn't said anything to deserve the way he'd snapped at me.
I couldn't get angry, though. I just got sad, because it was another reminder that Caleb would forever be nothing more than my asshole best friend.He would be my asshole best friend, and I'd have to see him get married and have kids and all that. Just thinking about those things made me want to smash the plate I was holding on the kitchen floor.
I didn't, though, instead placing it in the shiny sink with a sigh. It was pathetic how worked up I was getting over this.
I just wanted Caleb to be nice again. I wanted him to make me hot drinks and let me choose what movie we watched and put my legs on him again.
Guess I had to get food poisoning to get his nice side out, I thought bitterly.I washed the dishes as I let my mind run wild with all sorts of thoughts. I nearly jumped a mile when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Fuck!" I exclaimed, "Don't do that!"
I turned around to see Caleb smiling at me, a guilty look on his face.
"Sorry," he muttered, "Not just for scaring you. For being a dick, too. I can't really control it. Forgive me?"
I closed my eyes with a quiet sigh, "Apology accepted."
No matter how mad I was at Caleb, at the end of the day he was my best friend and I wanted it to be peaceful. I wanted us to get along, and me holding a grudge would just end up getting me hurt.

Temporary Bliss [boyxboy]
Novela JuvenilFinn and Caleb have been almost inseparable since middle school. Shortly after college the two lose close contact, but now that Finn is struggling financially, he moves in with his friend. Seemingly out of nowhere, he starts feeling... something for...