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integrity george weasley
order of the phoenix — deathly hallows

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             MELORA LESTRANGE HAD BEEN THIS WAY SINCE FOREVER — A cold-hearted, ruthless little girl who'd been raised to believe that the world was at her feet. A Slytherin, of course, and one who walked the halls as though she ruled the castle. Being the daughter of the Death Eaters: Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange, she'd grown to be aloof and snide, pushing herself away from the genuine people of the school, and instead remaining amongst those with the best values in mind.

               If you were to even think that Melora Lestrange would one day come to talk to people besides her fellow Slytherins, then she would most likely hex you so harshly you'd be in the Hospital Wing for a week — at least. So, suggesting that she was going to talk to a Weasley, let alone fall in love with one, then Merlin's beard, you should hope that St. Mungo's have a spare bed for you.

               Melora Lestrange had been this way since forever, and no, George Weasley was not going to change that.

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   starring . . .

as Melora Lestrange

PHOEBE TONKINas Melora Lestrange

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and . . .

ADELAIDE KANE . . . as Ilia Nyxeris

GEORGIA KING . . . as Ruth Prescott

JENNIFER LAWRENCE . . . as Atlanta Rowle

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author's note

so... integrity has gone through a series of rewrites, edits and whatnot, but, this is the version i've decided to stick with and leave up on my account. integrity was originally written in 2017, and this version that you're reading now is the edited 2018 version. i took it down that same year, but reuploaded it in 2019. idk if that makes sense, but that's what's happened to the story over the years!!

no matter the version, i'm super grateful for everyone who's shown support for this story, and i'm so pleased to have such lovely readers 💞💞

integrity ━━ george weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now