-37 || Losing Herself

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         DESPITE WHAT HER MOTHER BELIEVED, MELORA COULDN'T HELP BUT FEEL HIGHLY UNCOMFORTABLE THAT LORD VOLDEMORT WAS ENTERING HER HOME. Having the Dark Lord within the place was disconcerting, to say the least. And that wasn't including the other Death Eaters who would all be gathering in the drawing room at Malfoy Manor. But she had already jeopardised herself enough as it was, and not mirroring her mother's attitude to Lord Voldemort being in the manor would only worsen her situation.

     For it was the greatest honour to have the Dark Lord in her house, she was told. No one actually forced her to share the same opinion, since the actual owners of the manor disagreed so passionately. However, with everything she had failed to do in association with the Death Eaters, Melora felt that it would therefore be beneficial to just stay obedient.

     Her old Potions professor and Head of House, Severus Snape, then entered the room, closely followed by another Death Eater named Corban Yaxley. Upon their arrival, the attention of the table turned to them. Up until that point, no words had been spoken, as they were awaiting the final two to arrive. Melora had been there the longest; it was the place in which she had resided, and it was quite possibly one of her mother's most cherished events so far.

     "Yaxley, Snape," the Dark Lord said as they entered, "You are very nearly late."

     Melora simply blinked as to disguise her fear when the two men took their seats at the table, filling the remaining gaps and triggering the meeting. Its purpose was simple, yet held so much potential for failure that it panicked them all. If Voldemort was to fail, he would most likely blame one of his followers, but if one of them were to fail, she couldn't bare to imagine what the consequence would be. Perhaps, death to the Killing Curse, if they were lucky.

     "My Lord, the Order of the Phoenix intends to move Harry Potter from his current place of safety on Saturday next, at nightfall," Snape informed solemnly, his gaze fixed on the leader.

     At this news, Voldemort's lips curved into what could best be described as a smile, despite how Melora wasn't all too sure he was capable of such an action. The gaze between the Dark Lord and Snape was held for far too long, and the others seemed to think so too, for several of them looked away after a while.

     "Good. Very good."

     "My Lord," another voice said, causing the people at the table to turn to Yaxley, their eyes fixed, "My Lord, I have heard differently. Dawlish, the Auror, let slip that Potter will not be moved until the thirtieth. It is the night before the boy turns seventeen."

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