-28 || Lestrange's Farewell

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THE END OF THE SUMMER WAS DRAWING NEARER. Whilst everyone else had been busy packing for going back to Hogwarts (minus Fred, he was simply annoying Ron over and over with several Canary Creams), Melora and George had been outside in the late August sun, de-gnoming the garden, much to their dismay.

Repeatedly, she would find a gnome that was actually quite angry about being removed from the garden, and would bite her finger viciously. However, each time it happened, she would only wish to throw it further. In the distance, were clumps of gnomes, each recovering from the fall and scurrying away.

About half-way into the job, Melora felt a hard punch in her side. Surprised, she looked down at it, but found her gaze drifting down to the ground, where a gnome lay. She shot a glare across to George, who was killing himself laughing at the fact that he had managed to successfully hit her.

Slowly, she reached down for the gnome that had slammed into her side, and aimed. The unfortunate gnome then flew back across the garden, before it collided with George's shoulder. He scowled over at her.

"Ouch! What was that for?" he pouted.

"For being a right prat," she snorted at him, "And anyway, you started it."

He swiftly picked up the gnome again, before he hurled it back over to her. She tried her best to dodge it, but somehow it still managed to smack into her lower leg. Bitterly, she picked up the gnome. George was laughing at her again as he celebrating his successful hit.

"I think you're forgetting that I was the best Beater that Hogwarts has seen in centuries," George said smugly, grinning as she scowled at him.

The gnome was then flung backwards and forwards across the garden several more times, with some extra ones added into the mix as the game continued. But after a while, the two players had narrowed it down to one gnome again. Eventually, they stopped. George Weasley had won the game, they had concluded, despite Melora's angry protests.

The two neared the end of their job, before George tossed one final gnome over at the girl. But to his dismay, Melora reached up and caught it before it could make contact with her skin. He frowned at her and she sent the gnome flying over the hedge rather boredly, before turning to him.

"I don't know what you're thinking, but I was a Chaser, after all, so I can catch," she said smugly. "I was the better player."

George gasped, "How dare you!" He then grabbed three gnomes at once, the last of the gnomes on his side, and flung them all at her. She shrieked, and glared at him after all three slammed into her. He laughed, "I win. Game over. You lose."

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