-27 || The Sorrow She Feels

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             BELLATRIX SNARLED AT one of the Death Eaters who was with her again, "She's been taken, hasn't she?" Her words were like venom as she hissed at the cowardly people around her. "I know she has. The only things missing are her wand and herself! If she had decided to run she would have take her belongings with her!"

     Only silence greeted her as a response.

     "She had a locket too. That's missing!" Bellatrix yelled again, causing someone near her to flinch. "Someone knows about her and what she is worth. Someone also knows where she is. ONE OF YOU, TELL ME!"

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     The nightmare Melora had experienced the second time around was much shorter, and although it still had a sense of fear that chilled her, it was not the same one that sent her screaming as she awoke. Instead, she was only a little shaken.

     Her knees gave in as she stood from her bed, and her body went cold as she limply walked over to the door. She had been staying in Fred and George's old room, on the second floor. Neither of the twins were home, and spending her nights in their room felt a little strange, but it was better than sharing with someone else.

     As she made her way downstairs, she heard voices. People had gathered in the kitchen again for breakfast. However, there was a new voice present that she could hear from the room, and that itself made her stop. Harry Potter. She was supposed to despise him. She was supposed to do whatever she could to help the Dark Lord defeat him, not sit down and eat breakfast with him.

     Tentatively, she took the spare seat beside Ginny, in hope that by sitting near to someone she knew and somewhat got along with, it could help to ease the tension. Fred and George were away at their shop, working on setting up and actually selling products. Molly Weasley had told her that they would be returning to the Burrow later on that day, which allowed her to feel a small amount of relief.

     "Good morning, Melora, dear," Molly smiled as the girl took a seat at the table. "The others have already started eating, but it's fine, love, I'll make you something too, no need to worry."

     It seemed as though Molly was the only one in the family who had actually accepted her (other than the twins). Whilst she didn't exactly want to be accepted because she knew that it would end up with severe consequences, she also realised that the family that she had involved herself with wanted what was right for her, and not what was easy to choose.

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