-08 || Pureblood Delicacies

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viii. EIGHT


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             MELORA ACTUALLY QUITE LIKED HAVING SOMEONE TO ARGUE WITH, ALBEIT HOW THE INSULTS WERE REPETITIVE AND LARGELY BORING. Since the departure of Nymphadora Tonks, her days had become overly similar. Generally being polite, quiet, and successful in her classes allowed her to get through the next five years unnoticed (or as good as; it was difficult to hide in the shadows when she had such reputation and status).

     She found Prescott to be the only one who really bothered about tending to the protection of her blood. Graham Montague would occasionally add a few comments in about it, but no one else seemed to mind. And it was Ilia who especially surprised her. After all, she had been the one to completely bail on her original friends to stick by Melora, way back on their first day.

     Now, looking back on her actions, she did feel a little ashamed of what she had done. Completely brainwashed by the Malfoys, she had idiotically believed that interaction with others actually mattered. She had essentially forced her friend to turn her back on ten years of friendship, all because of a small difference in their personalities. And now? She was nothing more than a hypocrite.

     "Do you know who Astoria Greengrass is?" Prescott demanded rather suddenly, once the three of them were hidden inside their dorm room. The other two girls whom they shared with were absent, luckily. When Melora shook her head, Prescott scoffed at her. "Obviously not. You're far more familiar with the Gryffindors now, I suppose?"

     "What are you on about?" she spluttered.

     "Oh, get with it, Melora," Prescott tutted, sighing impatiently. "Greengrass saw you and George Weasley spending time together. Happily. Why in Merlin's name do you think that that's going to do you any good? You're a Lestrange!"

     Melora couldn't help but laugh at her. Anything related to George caused an overreaction of some sort. Whether that was an argument, an insult or she actually did something instead of use words, it was still an overreaction. And once it had reached this time around, Melora plainly found it amusing.

     "It wasn't serious," she stated. "Why do you think I would willingly spend time with a Weasley? Who knows? Maybe I'm pretending to get along with him so that he leaves me alone."

     Prescott wrinkled her nose. "Surely you'd just curse him if you wanted that?"

     "No, I wouldn't," she said sharply, her eyes narrowed slightly at her suspicious friend. "I might have parents in Azkaban for torture and murder, but that doesn't mean I whip out curses at the slightest chance I get. I'm not obsessed with breaking the law, surprisingly."

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