-38 || Seven Potters

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             SNAPE WAS CORRECT WHEN HE STATED THAT HARRY POTTER WOULD BE MOVED ON THE 27TH OF JULY. But what he never quite mentioned, was that there were going to be seven Harry Potters to follow after.

     Atlanta Rowle was rather ecstatic about it all, which somehow gave Melora the confidence she required. Unsurprisingly, she wasn't feeling too thrilled about hunting down people that were fighting for the good in the world. Whilst she didn't necessarily loathe her own side in the war, she certainly wasn't a huge fan either. What they did was wrong, yes. But what they did was all she had known, and according to the people around her, it was far more fun.

     But to say that seeing her old Quidditch Captain was a shock would be an understatement. If she were to be truthful, Melora had hoped that she would never lay eyes on Eric Montague ever again. Even if he secured her a spot on the team from her second year onwards, she could never forgive his arrogant manner. And it did her no justice to learn that he had not changed in the slightest way.

     "Hey, Lestrange," he grinned, the same odd smirk plastered across his face when he spoke, "Didn't I say it when we were younger: you were born to support the Dark Lord?"

     "Yeah, you did," she nodded, not bothering to make eye contact, instead scanning the gathered crowd for her parents. However, upon finding them to be at separate ends of the gathered group to one another, she rolled her eyes and glared at Montague, "So what? Everyone knew that anyway. Did you think you were being smart?"

     "Hey, what did the Slytherins do to you whilst I was away?" he laughed lightly, but she was not finding any of it funny. Perhaps she had once led him to believe that they had a chance, but she could swear to herself now that she would not let him continue to believe that.

     "They made me come to my senses, Montague," she snapped, "I don't know what happened to you, but I know who to stand by within all of this. And you are not that person."

     "I see," he paused, but then he laughed again. "Don't play that game with me, Lestrange. I know for a fact that your parents have not bothered to marry you off."

     She clenched her jaw at this. It did not bother her to know that she wasn't engaged to anyone. Not least of which because it meant that there were less complications to her relationship to George Weasley, but also because she had seen enough failed marriages to know that her own probably would end up the same way. Especially if it were to Graham Montague's older brother.

     "Montague," she said sternly. "I really do not care."

     He blinked back at her, "Montague's are pure, Melora. You know that. You were friends with my brother for years."

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