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             BREWING VERITASERUM TOOK HIGH LEVELS OF DEDICATION, MELORA KNEW THAT MUCH. If she'd gained anything out of it (other than the satisfaction of watching Prescott get into the most trouble yet), it was to discover how much effort it really took to create potions, and how much she would look forward to not creating any more once she'd graduated.

     Originally, Prescott's detentions would be with Snape, but since they were not due to start until after her ones with Umbridge had come to a halt, she had not yet been to see her Head of House. Both Melora and Ilia were doing their best to act out the part of the innocent bystanders, and to not give any vital clues away. She'd disposed of the remainder of the substance - Ilia was quite upset about it - and there was no longer a second trunk under her bed.

     Melora Lestrange was supposed to care about what Harry Potter was doing, and how he was progressing with his huge task to defeat Lord Voldemort. But her thoughts were more focused on what had been going on in her life during the first two terms of her seventh-year. Perhaps having Bellatrix Lestrange - amongst many more Death Eaters - out of Azkaban would mean that they had more chance of winning the war, or perhaps it only fuelled Potter's victory.

     Of course it didn't fuel Potter's victory, what was she thinking? He and his supposedly secret organisation were caught by Umbridge and the Inquisitorial Squad fairly soon after Melora had brewed her Veritaserum potion. She had no choice with what she could do; she was supposed to be following Umbridge, and backing out would probably get her a detention. She didn't really feel like brandishing a line in the way that Ilia, Prescott or Potter did.

     She and Ilia had been sat in the common room, acting rather relaxed (given that their N.E.W.T.s were drawing so near, it was surprising to see them so chilled). Astoria and her friends had glanced over at them, and each paused, but they left the room without a word.

     It was a question that had lingered in her mind for a while, and Melora felt quite glad to get it off of her chest when she asked it. "What did Snape want that day when you duelled Prescott?"

     "What?" Ilia asked. She paused, trying to remember exactly what had happened. Her face relaxed once she had, and she laughed. "Oh, he was telling me off for using hexes on younger students. Do you remember? When we got banned from the library."

     Melora smirked, and nodded. Of course that was what Ilia was being spoken to about. She would never do something so reckless as create a highly dangerous potion that the Ministry manages. Or doesn't, she concluded.

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