-05 || So Far Gone

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               RUTH PRESCOTT HAD STRICTLY FORBIDDEN HER FRIEND FROM TALKING TO GEORGE WEASLEY AFTER THE INCIDENT IN DEFENCE AGAINST THE DARK ARTS. Her words could never bring themselves to stop echoing around Melora's head, and it eventually brought her to question where she stood with George Weasley. The two only sat beside one another in two classes, and any other instances when the two had exchanged conversation had been minimal. For example, a quick and polite 'Oh, excuse me, sorry.' whilst trying to reach ingredients for Potions.

     Melora was well-mannered, not stupid.

     There was nothing that then prevented her from believing that her guardians knew of such conversations when she received a letter from them, the following day. Prescott looked incredibly smug as she sat beside Melora, watching, completely engrossed, when she took the letter from the owl and began opening it. That in itself put her on edge; Prescott had never concerned herself with the mail that was sent between Melora and the Malfoy family before.

     "Just-" Melora snapped when Prescott peered over her shoulder to try and read the words secretly, "Just hold on. Give me a chance to read it myself."

     Melora turned away sharply, covering the content with her hands, only allowing her own eyes to view the writing. It was again Narcissa who had written to her. She had not once received one from her uncle. And she hoped that she never would do. Melora did not have a very strong relationship with Lucius, and hadn't done since her very early years. For that, she blamed the feud that seemed to still be ongoing between her mother and him.

     Dear Melora,

     I'm sure you're aware of our family's usual tradition of marriage once you reach the end of your education - or, at least, near to that time - and also of how your parents aren't here to make that decision for you. Lucius and I, as your guardians, should probably be in control of such a thing, but we've decided it would be best if we didn't get you engaged at all.

     However, should you come across someone whom you'd like to marry one day, then by all means, if they're appropriate, then we'd be willing to look into things for you.

     With love,
     Narcissa Malfoy

     Melora simply blinked at the letter once she had finished reading. It took her several re-reads before she came to her senses, and was able to figure out that she would no longer be taking part in the most honourable thing for her family. Marriage, she had been taught, was the most significant part of life. It kept peace between different names, and allowed the purest blood to continue flowing. And Melora wasn't going to have that.

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