-23 || Foolish

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MELORA'S MOTHER WAS THE MOST TRUSTED DEATH EATER OUT OF THE LOT, WHICH WAS A TITLE THAT SHE UPHELD PROUDLY. Years before her birth, her mother had been one to constantly assist Lord Voldemort during battles (or wars), or fulfill everything she could in whatever task he had set for her. And even after fifteen years in Azkaban, she continued to serve with the exact same attitude. Somehow, the devotion she had came across as admirable. Whilst her intentions were largely sadistic, her loyalty was immensely strong, and Melora thought that that in itself was something to be proud of.

The woman had insisted that she would teach her daughter the Dark Arts almost immediately after she had engraved the Dark Mark into her skin. When Ilia and Prescott had been forced to scar their own hands by Umbridge, Melora had hoped that she would not have to bear any mark on her skin throughout her lifetime, completely ignoring the fact that her family was so engrossed in cherishing Lord Voldemort and his wishes. She'd been so oblivious to the mark that she'd known she would have since she was young. And for that, she felt foolish.

Since leaving Hogwarts, Melora had also learned of Umbridge's disappearance. It was very biased, how Ilia had described it to her in the letter (despite how Melora had told her not to write to her anymore). Things such as: That old hag was hanging onto Potter's every word, she was so obsessed with getting rid of Dumbledore. Or even: I've never been too fond of that forest, but when I heard that the centaurs had taken her, I wanted to run in and give them all individual presents.

Oh, how Melora had missed Ilia once she had left the school.

And even more so after their argument:

There had come a day in which Melora had chosen to meet up with her friend, yet also decided to wear the locket that she had been given for Christmas the past year. And that was her first mistake of the day. The second, was practically screaming at Ilia for dating Lee Jordan, when she had been supportive of it for roughly a month prior to their meeting. And lastly, when Ilia had asked if something horrible was happening at the manor, Melora had seized her glass of Butterbeer, thrown the contents at her friend, before slamming the glass against a wall and allowing it to shatter beside her. She left the Hog's Head immediately, with no apology, and without clearing up her mess.

It was safe to say that Melora Lestrange was not friends with Ilia Nyxeris. Oh, and she was then also banned from that pub.

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