-06 || Herbology Master

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vi. SIX


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             SPENDING HER SPARE time studying in the library certainly wasn't how Melora planned to get through her final year at Hogwarts, but if she wanted any of her N.E.W.T. qualifications, then she would need to prepare. Ilia seemed to be just as reluctant to bother, but had also decided to just get on with it. The other seventh-year Slytherins weren't as keen, and would turn their noses up at the idea. They were smart enough to scrape their way through the exams. Plus, they all thought that studying was for Ravenclaws, because they were prejudiced little prats.

     To see Melora Lestrange studying kicked some sense into a few of her fellow seventh-years, but not many. It was her own house that was seen least in the library, with Gryffindor pulling up in a close second. It had become clear to her that the two much preferred to just get classes over with, and then fight or duel one another in their free time. Detentions seemed to launch themselves at such students, too.

     Upon reaching her fourth year, Ilia had decided that she actually would much rather not do any assignments that were set for her. Instead, she forced younger students to do them for her, whilst she slept, or ate the majority of the food in the Great Hall. That process had lasted almost three years, before she finally realised that perhaps doing her own homework would benefit her more (although, it took rather a lot of encouragement to get her to admit to such a thing).

     "Have you ever fallen asleep in Herbology?" Ilia asked, after she had picked herself up from resting her head on her textbook.

     Melora shook her head. "No, I've always liked that class."

     "You're the only one, then," Ilia said, wrinkling her nose in disgust. She paused, as if debating whether or not her next statement would be valid, but continued nonetheless. "How is Herbology going to help you? I mean, given what career you're probably going to end up with."

     "If it wasn't useful, they wouldn't teach it," Melora answered quickly. "Just because you got bitten by a Fanged Geranium when you were a fifth-year."

     "That wasn't my fault!" she protested, her face turning bright red, either from anger or embarrassment. "I'm certain that Professor Sprout told us to try and rip out one of its fangs."

     Melora shook her head, "We were learning how to grow and care for the plant, not wrench out its teeth."

     "But she said that we can use its fangs in potions," Ilia said, still desperately trying to redeem herself.

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