-26 || Protect the Evil

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     "What she wants to do is up to her, but I doubt very much that being caught by her parents with you two is her dream."

     "But, Mum-"

     "Fred! I mean, George! I-"

     Melora stood at the entrance to the kitchen area awkwardly, watching as the twins and their mother argued. She did want to excuse herself from the room and pretend she hadn't been standing there at all, but since she had already been seen, it seemed stupid to leave.

     "Melora, dear, Fred and George were just leaving," Mrs Weasley smiled, shoving her two sons out of the room, kissing them goodbye as they left (which they both recoiled at). Their goodbyes had been lasting for several days prior to this, but the final ones still counted.

     Although, confused as to what was going on, Melora also said her goodbyes to them both. George looked slightly perplexed as he left the girl, but he disappeared nonetheless. Once they had gone, Mrs Weasley led the girl back to the kitchen. They stood there in silence for a moment, before she finally spoke up again.

     "I'm sorry to send them away from you so fast," she stated as the two women stood quietly. "But it's for the best. And I know it's not the loveliest news to get either, but there were two recent deaths caused by your... friends. Amelia Bones and Emmeline Vance."

     "I don't think I've ever known them," Melora replied.

     The door to the Burrow burst open, and Mr Weasley hurried in, followed by Ron and Ginny Weasley, and Hermione Granger. Mrs Weasley went out to greet them excitedly, and Melora watched, a hint of jealousy visible on her face - though she tried to disguise it - as she saw the family exchange hugs and smiles.

     Born into such a malevolent family certainly had its benefits: power, status, wealth... But she lacked love, and the sense of belonging. Most times, Melora felt as though she was only cared for because she was worth something; she was considered valuable. To see this come so naturally from another family hurt her, but she wouldn't stoop so low as to make that too noticable.

     As Melora reluctantly left the kitchen and joined the front room, where everybody else had gathered, the gentle murmur of voices died down, and everyone's gaze fell upon the girl. She felt the heat rising to her cheeks and she remained still, standing exactly where she was, uncomfortably waiting for someone else to do something.

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