-43 || Where Her Loyalties Lie

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             THE IMPORTANT THING TO REMEMBER ABOUT CHILDREN WAS THAT THEY WERE QUITE OFTEN INCAPABLE OF FORMING THEIR OWN OPINIONS ON SUBJECTS OR MATTERS. Whether that was due to their lack of knowledge or immaturity, or because of their parents forcing views upon them - the reasoning behind it all varied.

     Melora had been raised to hate any wizard or witch who's blood was not pure when it flowed. And until her final year of schooling, she'd stuck by the foolish belief. She'd always thought that it was plainly the truth, and that everyone should think the way that she did, but as she'd grown older and actually experienced these things for herself, she doubted her childish attitudes.

     Perhaps it would have been better to rebel as a younger student, when her parents were absent from the picture - where a dangerously painful disownment was less likely. But would she be putting her aunt into peril if she'd created a scene in which her mother could return to her daughter being disowned, thanks to Narcissa's failed teachings of blood purity? She'd resorted to telling herself that she had protected the more innocent side to her family, rather than been cowardly and prevented the act of disownment.

     It was as she stared Ron Weasley in the eye that she felt true guilt. Her loyalties were obvious to her, but were they obvious to others? He glared at her. Of course, he knew the truth about her. He'd been at the Burrow when she'd stayed there for the summer, and he knew about her relationship with his brother. Ron Weasley knew precisely where Melora Lestrange had disappeared to, and she was preparing to push her luck to its limit. If she harmed him or did anything to his friends, would he reveal the truth about her?

     So, yes, Harry and Ron had somehow escaped from the cellar, and had appeared, armed with their wands, to battle the Death Eaters surrounding Hermione and the goblin. And Melora had defended herself quite well, yes. But as Draco picked up each of the wands that lay scattered across the floor, did she feel enfuriated that her mother continued to use Hermione Granger as some sort of bait?

     ... Yes.

     Bellatrix gasped mockingly as she held the knife against Hermione's throat, whispering loudly into her ear, "Look, it's Harry Potter! The Dark Lord will be pleased to see him here, wouldn't he? Someone, call him!"

     Yet again, everyone's gaze fell upon Draco. The boy was shaking ever so slightly, yet other than that, he remained unmoving. Even with encouragement from his parents, Draco did not make any effort to call the Dark Lord. Melora wanted to help him out; she wasn't going to remain selfish. There was a feeling of twisting flesh on her forearm, and she squirmed uncomfortably. Her hand hovered over her sleeve; Draco had done it all, and she had done nothing. It wasn't right for her to let him do everything against his will.

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