-46 || Fallen Warrior

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             "AVADA KEDAVRA!"

     Melora's heart practically scrambled out of her mouth, as she watched the body nearby to her crumple to the floor, dead. She hadn't even anticipated the green light this time; she was so distracted that she hadn't even realised that she'd shouted the curse herself. She'd known it for a while, but it was finally starting to show, right at the end of it all. She was Bellatrix's daughter, and in far too many aspects.

     Atlanta cackled wildly at the scene before her. Another kill was another number to add to their tallies. According to the other Death Eaters, the identities of whom they killed was irrelevant; all that mattered was the amount of deaths that they had each caused. Melora had grown to accept this, despite how much vomit it brought to the back of her throat. Lives were not valued in the ranks, but deaths were. Or, murders, at least.

     But it wasn't Melora who had cried the curse, or Tonks who had fallen. For the laughter that broke out beside them had been a victorious one, and Melora turned to see Atlanta Rowle peering down at a body, sniggering proudly. She glanced down at the body's face, and almost screamed in surprise when she saw who it was.

     Ruth Prescott had managed to isolate herself from her past friends quite well, but she had been fighting in the war now, nonetheless, and Atlanta had killed her. Now, she was dead, and Melora was left staring down at her body. Vile as she may have seemed, it was true that Prescott had been nothing but unnecessarily horrible to Melora, and to see the girl's fate roll around the corner so abruptly was a little shocking for her to witness.

     She didn't wish death upon anyone whom she detested, but when it did happen, she couldn't help but feel a tiny bit relieved. And whilst she knew it was wrong for her to think that way, she would never really come to mourn those people. Not if she despised them all.

     Tonks remained frozen where she was, staring down at the girl who lay dead on the floor, her mouth opening and closing as stumbled upon words.

     "She was your friend! You killed-"

     "She deserved it," Atlanta cut in with, and as Melora caught her eye, she smiled. Sure, Prescott wasn't the worst person she'd ever come across, but she definitely wasn't the best.

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