-03 || Very Brilliant

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iii. THREE


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             THE SLYTHERIN QUIDDITCH team had managed to get almost double the amount of practices that Gryffindor had had by the time it got to their first match. Students from all years and all houses had gathered at the pitch to watch the first match of the year, each cheering for one team. Most of them were Gryffindor fans, but that was only because the Slytherins had isolated themselves from all of the filthy and insignificant witches and wizards.

     Having changed into her Quidditch robes, Melora had joined the others to wait for the game to start. The seven players hung about for a while, not speaking to one another, just waiting for the signal to go onto the pitch. Eventually, the teams were called out, and the Slytherins watched in disgust as the Gryffindors flew out first, earning cheers and praise as they soared around for a while. Then, the Slytherins left their side, and purposefully flew close to the spectating students as to intimidate the more naïve ones, and irritate all of the others.

     As the teams landed before Madam Hooch, the referee of the match, Melora met eyes with her fellow Chaser, Adrian Pucey, and grinned. Five years ago, the two had started playing Quidditch together, as the two were in their second year when they joined the team. Five years ago, the two had become closer friends, as they both shared the passion for playing as a Chaser. Now, they could work as though they were the same person, it was almost like clockwork.

     The match sprang into heavy action almost immediately, as the Gryffindor captain, Angelina Johnson, grabbed the Quaffle and began to fly towards Ilia. Pucey attempted to take it from her, but she ducked away from him and continued to head towards the goalpost. Her success was not to last, as she was then hit by a Bludger.

     "OUCH! Johnson was just hit by a Bludger, which leaves Lestrange with the Quaffle!" Lee Jordan was shouting as he commentated the match. "I wouldn't want to get on her bad side, you know."

     "JORDAN!" McGonagall shouted.

     "Sorry, Professor-"

     The commentary drowned out as Melora began to speed to the other end of the pitch to where Ron Weasley was waiting, but she would never get there, as she was then - rather violently - hit by a Bludger. As she looked up to see who had sent it, she saw a sheepish grin come from George Weasley. Ignoring him, she began to chase after the Quaffle again, oblivious to the singing that was starting to grow louder from the Slytherin spectators.

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