-41 || Childhood Neighbours

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             SHE HATED WORMTAIL WITH EVERYTHING SHE HAD INSIDE OF HER. Not only was he a treacherous friend, but he was also an impotent servant, who sincerely believed that he held more importance than Melora herself. She laughed at him whenever he did this, and repeatedly degraded him to put him in his place. He was a rat - in both human and Animagus form.

     For whatever reason, she hadn't been told, she was asked to check on the prisoners in the cellar regularly, to make sure that each of them were acting well, or their health was satisfactory. After all, they were only here for questioning, or to be used as bait for other useful people to find them.

     So far, and she could remember them all, they'd collected a goblin named Griphook, and then Garrick Ollivander, Dean Thomas, Luna Lovegood, and (thanks to her and Atlanta) Dillan Medhurst. Some of them had been there for a good few months, whilst others were more recent additions to the collection.

     Melora had decided that when she went to visit the unfortunate prisoners for the third time, she wouldn't even bother with the required procedure. Counting them, and sometimes inspecting the area for any possible weapon they made have found or created? She couldn't be bothered with it anymore - it wasn't like they were going to get out anyway.

     "I need all five of you to stand in a line, and preferably away from the gate," she said in a much more calm tone to what Wormtail usually used. The prisoners within the cellar shuffled into a line, and when she had counted them all, she sighed. "Right. Dillan, you're coming with me for questioning. As for the rest of you: you'll just be staying here, alright?"

     She wanted to laugh aloud. How were they going to
escape when they were being held prisoner at Malfoy Manor? Exactly - they weren't. Nonetheless, she made sure that the gate behind was locked, before leading Dillan Medhurst to where her aunt stood waiting.

     Melora had to be honest: she'd never seen Narcissa look so cold before. Her face was drawn into a scowl, her head tilted back slightly so that she could look down her nose at the boy before her. The corners of her mouth were twitching upwards into a malevolent grin that Melora had only ever noticed to be on her mother's face. She hated ever part the sight before her.

     "So, er- what did you say his name was, Melora?" she began. It was fairly obvious that she knew Dillan's name due to the smile that remained planted on her face, but Narcissa was having fun by playing around. She was insulting him. Humiliating him.

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