-30 || "Murderer Lestrange"

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SINCE SPRAYING BUTTERBEER AROUND THE PUB, ALONG WITH SEVERAL SHARDS OF GLASS ONLY MOMENTS LATER, IT BECAME CLEAR THAT MELORA LESTRANGE WAS NOT ALLOWED INSIDE OF THE HOG'S HEAD. Ilia Nyxeris, on the other hand, only played the part of the victim, and was therefore still free to walk in and spend time within the slightly run-down walls of the building. It was then decided that Fred and George would meet with their old friend, Lee Jordan, and his girlfriend, on one weekend of the summer that had finally made its return.

The twins were merely seated for a few minutes before the other two arrived and ordered their own Butterbeers. Ilia took a seat across from George, and passed him a newspaper. She didn't speak a word to him, and the look on her face proved that whatever she had read was not the most exhilarating news.

He took the paper cautiously, before flicking his gaze down to what the headlines said. He couldn't predict what it would tell him from Ilia's expression; it was impossible to see. Girls, he thought. How would he ever come to understand them properly? And as his brain processed what the article was bearing, he froze.

Beside him, the conversation carried on as normal. The people were oblivious to George's horrified reaction to the newspaper, and how his body has seemed to turn to paralysis as its solution. Ilia was expecting his response to be quite worrying, but she hadn't noticed him.

"Did you guys get your N.E.W.T.s results?" Fred asked them, grinning a little as he thought about how he hadn't needed to go through the stressful process of the exams. When both of the people sat across from him nodded, his smile became more visible. "How'd you both do?"

"Not too bad," Lee said quickly. "I mean, I only got two O's, and three E's. I only just failed Transfiguration and Potions. I'm surprised I didn't fail Defence, with Umbridge's ridiculous teaching methods."

Fred turned to Ilia, who started laughing.

"What, you think I passed my exams?" she sniggered, crossing her arms and leaning back in her seat, almost in mockery.

Lee shook his head. "You did pass your exams, Il. I mean, Herbology was a bit embarrassing, but we were all expecting that one to happen."

"Alright, fine," she shrugged. She reached into her pocket quickly, and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper. After spreading it out on the table, she muttered a spell, and the white sheet slowly became free from creases. She handed the paper to Fred. "I thought you'd ask, and I'd rather you read it quietly than have me say it in front of the whole pub."

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