-52. || Epilogue

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             EVANGELINE TONKS, OR AS SHE'D DECIDED TO STICK BY - MELORA, WAS FINALLY FREE FROM THE HORRORS SHE'D BEEN FACING THROUGHOUT HER YOUNGER YEARS. There was no denying the fact she'd been through absolute hell, and now... well, it was a little bit better. She'd broken the restraints that Bellatrix had cast upon her, and though she'd always have those horrific memories, and those horrific actions tied to her name, Melora would choose to move forwards from it all.

     As it had all turned out, Melora Nephele Lestrange was not who she thought she was at all. The idea of being the daughter of two Death Eaters was quite simply false, and everything that she'd valued before, such as pure-blood supremacy and the importance of family names, was essentially useless to her now. Thinking back on it all, Melora felt the need to laugh at her eleven-year-old self, and how she'd been so cold towards Dillan Medhurst, and anyone of similar status, when in fact, Melora wasn't too dissimilar herself.

     No doubt, there would always be a part to Melora that valued pure-bloods just that tiny bit more than other witches and wizards, but she knew to ignore that thought now. After all, she wasn't really one herself, and to continue with her old ways would just be ridiculous and completely hypocritical. 

     Since finding out the truth about her heritage, Melora had made the choice to change her name. Of course, everybody (friend or not) knew her as Melora, so it felt wrong to just completely discard that name. Although it held ties to the terror from before, it was still a part of her, and she simply couldn't ask of the people who surrounded her to forget about her past personality. Put it this way - it was Melora Lestrange whom George Weasley had fallen in love with.

     So. Melora had decided for her forename to remain, but her middle name and last were what were due to change. Hence, a week or so after the battle when she had felt she'd recovered as much as she could, she became Melora Evangeline Tonks. And once that was done, it meant that there was only one thing left to do...

     She'd already talked to a couple of people about doing it beforehand, and she'd been given their advice on how to go ahead with things, so she felt OK. She'd been staying with Ilia and her parents, since the Malfoys didn't exactly want her comfortably waltzing their halls when she was technically a disowned family member. It wasn't that she wasn't welcome there, because she'd done nothing wrong, and Draco still wanted to talk to his cousin sometimes, but she shouldn't live there. Hence, she'd been staying with the Nyxeris family temporarily.

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