-24 || Find Her In Blood

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             SCREAMING WASN'T SOMETHING THAT HAPPENED OFTEN AT THE BURROW. And to then hear a distressed yell, a cry of help, led to the panic of both Fred and George Weasley. The only other person who was home was their mother, and so the two immediately presumed she was in danger or pain.

     Originally, George had been inside, packing up belongings and products that he had left behind with Fred. However, the agonising scream that echoed through the ramshackle house caused him to stop. Dropping everything, he bolted down the stairs to the living room, where he found his mother acting normally. She was slightly confused, as she too had heard the scream. She hadn't been the one to cry out.

     Feeling more relaxed about the situation, knowing that none of his family was hurt, Fred sat down on one of the sofas with his mother. "What was that?" he asked. George, however, stayed standing, cautious about who may have been waiting outside for them.

     "Your guess is as good as mine, dear," Molly replied, nervously peering out of a nearby window, "Just, do me a favour, and don't go outside, will you?"

     Both of the twins, surprisingly, agreed with their mother, but stayed downstairs with her. Fred sat with Molly, whilst George found himself staring out of the window, desperately searching for any sign of movement. He was worrying that someone was outside of his house, stalking their movements.

     Not so far away, there was a rustle in the nearby field. It wasn't actually theirs, but it surrounded their house, and therefore George was able to watch as the grass moved unnaturally. The only issue with this was, that the movement was not getting any nearer. It stayed in the same place. It crossed his mind that perhaps they were not being hunted down, since if they were, the person would be nearing them slowly. Ambushing them.

     The wind outside picked up a little, parting the grass. Through the widened gap, he was able to see a hand laying on the floor. It was moving, but not naturally. It twitched and jerked about, and George grew incredibly suspicious at this. Whoever was outside was definitely not trying to hurt them. They were hurt themself.

     Ignoring his mother's shriek of horror as he threw open the door and ran out into the cool summer evening, he hurried over to the body that lay convulsing violently. And then, it was his turn to let out a similar cry of shock as he realising who was laying there.

integrity ━━ george weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now