-13 || Punched Him Off His Broom

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             REUNITING WITH DAIZE WAS SURPRISINGLY HEARTWARMING, AND MELORA FELT PROUD TO HAVE FREED THE ELF. It didn't matter to her that her parents were now around again, or that the elf had, in fact, wanted to stay working for the Lestranges, because, quite frankly, she was pleased to see the elf released from the pressures of serving such a sinister family. Plus, is wasn't as though they needed her. She and her mother lived with the Malfoys, and her father was Merlin-knows-where.

     And she couldn't ignore the fact that she'd just earned herself a house-elf that would assist her whenever she needed the help. And Daize could do that without having to punish herself for disobeying her masters; she was a free elf - she had no masters.

     She hadn't seen much of George since their trip to the kitchens, and was quite shocked to see him beside the Quidditch pitch with Fred, roughly an hour before the match had started. It was Slytherin vs Ravenclaw, so they weren't necessarily needed this time around. That brought the question upon her: What are they doing here?

     She wandered over to them hesitantly, instead of going to get changed and talk to her team. They can wait, she figured, as she reached the twins.

     "What are you doing?" she asked, which made the both of them jump in surprise. She grinned; she'd pranked them (yeah, it was lame, but it still counted - right?).

     "Now that is something you shouldn't know about until it happens," Fred said, smirking a little as he and George moved to stand in front of whatever they had been working on until she'd arrived.

     George's grin mirrored his twin's. "You don't particularly like Malfoy, do you, Mel?"

     Her own smile faltered a little as she realised what was happening. She frowned in confusion, trying to piece together what was happening behind her back.

     "What does Dobby have to do with this?" she asked, as she was left with having no idea as to what the correlation was. The twins only laughed at her. "You're not going to launch an elf into the air and knock out my cousin with him, are you?"

     "No, unfortunately," Fred replied. "Although, that's not a bad idea. Can you imagine his face if his old house-elf flew up to him and punched him off of his broom?"

     She didn't want to laugh, but she did. She was supposed to defend her cousin from these sorts of things, being the older one, but it was becoming far more clear that this would not be the case. She smirked, and decided to leave the twins to whatever their genius idea consisted of.

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