-44 || Black, Lestrange & Crouch

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             GEORGE MIGHT HAVE HAD A MISSING EAR, BUT THAT DIDN'T STOP HIM FROM HEARING HIS BROTHER LAUGHING AT HIM. Upon hearing about the incident occuring at Malfoy Manor, the twins had left to visit Ilia Nyxeris, since she was a close friend to two of the combatants. However, George had just knocked on the wrong house, and Ilia had opened the door across the street to a hysterical Fred Weasley.

     "George, they're all Muggles here," Ilia explained, smirking a little as he miserably made his way towards her and Fred. "They find it strange enough to hear my name, let alone why you're looking for me."

     "OK, but I didn't tell him that two of your friends had just been involved in a magical battle," George protested, crossing his arms and frowning slightly. "I just asked if Ilia Nyxeris was home."

     "Yeah, and what did he tell you?" Fred laughed. "I don't know what you want with that family, boy. You should stay clear of their girl."

     "Honestly, George," Ilia smiled. "Trust you to talk the most miserable Muggle on my street."

     The twins were eventually welcomed inside, once Fred and Ilia had finished mocking George for his mistake. Her house was large, yet appeared to be surprisingly welcoming as well. From what they could view upon entering through the front door, there were two floors to the house, yet a substantial amount of rooms on each one. Ilia allowed them to take it in, a wide grin spread onto her face, before she led them into the front room.

     "OK, no one told us that she was pregnant," Fred gaped once he had walked into the room himself, his gaze resting on the girl who was laying on the sofa before them. "Like, really pregnant."

     "Are you calling me fat, Weasley?" Anya Deen snapped, to which his small grin dissolved in a second. However, as he opened his mouth to deny it, Anya smiled herself. "I'm only messing with you. But yeah, I am really pregnant, thank you."

     "We thought she was going to end up giving birth whilst Dillan was at the manor, but that baby is more stubborn than me already," Ilia laughed lightly. Anya smiled weakly at her, which left the twins to frown at each other in confusion.

     "Why're you sad?" George asked suddenly.

     "The reason I got out of the manor-" a male voice replied, causing both of the twins to glance over at the doorway, so that they could watch Dillan Medhurst wander in and take a seat in the armchair beside Anya, "-was because of Melora. She might be getting stronger with her abilities, but she cannot make a choice on her own. She cannot disobey her family. She's becoming weaker."

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