-49 || The Duty of Nyxeris

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             SO, ILIA NYXERIS was more than aware of her friend's recent death. And harsh as it may have seemed, she was more distressed over the loss of Melora than she was of Harry. Whilst he was, of course, the one who had led them all into the war so well, he was not someone she'd known for long. Melora was a terrified little girl who had died in her final attempts to redeem herself, and for that, Ilia felt torn apart.

     As the Death Eaters approached the castle again, and began to gather at one end of the courtyard, Ilia slowly made her way out to face them. She was closely followed by Lee, who was apparently much more apprehensive about it all. And beside her, she knew that George was searching the opposite crowd for Melora. She just didn't have the heart to confirm that he would not find her.

     Instead of looking for Melora, she looked for her mother, since she had been the cause of most of the tragedy that had been ongoing throughout their lives. But her eyes first landed on a girl who looked slightly older than herself, and who she somewhat recognised.

     The girl had such a hurt and fearful look on her face, which was quickly disguised by a glare, and Ilia felt the pain that was behind it. Perhaps, she thought, this girl knew Melora too, and was in mourning of her. Perhaps, she thought, to be a bit more hopeful, this girl had helped Melora get through being a Death Eater a little more. Immediately, Ilia felt pitiful.

     Ilia tried her hardest to ignore the sad girl whom she had picked out from the cluster of Voldemort's supporters, and turned her head to face the man himself. His grin was wider than any she had seen before. Even an idiot could have worked out that he had finally murdered the Boy Who Lived.

     People around her began crying out Harry's name, quietly muttering curse words, or simply bursting into tears. Ilia said nothing. For a moment, she locked eyes with Bellatrix Lestrange, but she looked away immediately. She didn't want to have anything to do with the woman anymore. Because yes, she would finally admit to it, she was scared of her.

     Lord Voldemort was fairly agitated by the noise. "SILENCE!" he bellowed at them, using a charm to cease the voices across from him. "It is all over now! Harry Potter is dead! He was only ever a boy who trusted others would sacrifice themselves for him, do you see?"

     The charm broke swiftly afterwards, and Ron was the first to yell back. "He beat you!" he cried, and more shouting and screaming from the others then followed.

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