-50 || When The Feud Died

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             ILIA'S SCREAMS WERE overlooked quite easily, due to the chaos that had erupted from the final moments of the war beginning. Bellatrix Lestrange was holding onto her, with her wand pushing lightly into the girl's cheek, as she taunted the people before her. Ilia was crying from the fear of her fate, but also since her closest friend's mother was about to murder her.

     "Let her go!" Dillan Medhurst cried, hurrying over, his wand raised. "What do you even want with her? Let her go!"

     "Oh, the Mudblood that my Melora caught wants to challenge me, does he?" she sneered, her wand prodding further into Ilia's skin, causing her to wince.

     "Yeah, well, 'your Melora' also set me free from that place, in case you'd like to-"

     There was a rapid flash of green light, and the body of Dillan Medhurst slowly collapsed to the floor. Ilia's cries went from fearful to an animalistic noise that somehow demonstrated the pain she felt. The screams came from deep within her gut, as she witnessed her oldest friend sprawl out onto the floor, his eyes staring out into the nothing. He was completely lifeless.

     Bellatrix was laughing as the murder was committed, and as she heard Ilia's response to what she'd done. Ilia struggled in her grasp, but the woman held onto her. The remaining people who were watching her little show were Lee Jordan, who looked like he couldn't physically breathe, and Ginny Weasley, whose fury had almost turned into hopelessness.

     "Melora, you BITCH!" Ilia choked out.

     Ilia felt sick, but more from her immense anger than her fear. After all, she'd taken the Horcrux from Melora, destroyed it, and moved her body out of the way of the war. And now, she was about to join her dead friend, because of her malevolent mother.

     This only provided Bellatrix with further enthusiasm, as she turned Ilia to face the spectators, a large grin on her face. She had sadistic tendencies - everyone knew that much - and she wanted to prove them once more. For one short moment, her wand was removed from Ilia's skin, before she began to think of the spell that could either break or kill the girl.

     "Melora isn't the bitch here, love," another voice said sternly, and for a moment, Bellatrix's grin faltered. She recognised the voice's owner, clearly. "The witch who raised her for a brief few years, on the other hand, is a different story."

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