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Please comment a song.....ANY SONG that you think could fit This place...Like some theme song.....Perferably a type of Slow song......ok that it....thanks!


I arrive to Morris Mental hospital with high security. I walk into the building. "Hello, i'm here to see Stephenie Doris?" I ask.

"Are you another reporter? Because if you are then you can go to hell!" She says.

"No actually, I'm Clary Morgenstern.....I have some....unfinished business with Stephenie" I tell the lady. The girl presses a button that was on a podcast microphone.

"Someone is here to see Stephenie Doris....her name is Clary, she's authorized to pass" The lady says.
"Last visit for Doris" A scratchy voice comes from the speaker. The lady writes something down in a notepad.
"Roger!" She says. She then looks up at me. She presses a button and a steel metal door opens. "You can go" She says. I smile and walk towards the door. The door shuts behind me with a Slam. A tall woman with beautiful dred locks looks up at me in the hallway.
"Clary?" She asks. I smile at her and nod. "Ok," She says. She then scans me with the metal scaner. "Your good to go....oh but, the purse stays here" She says. "Security reasons" She clarifys.
"Ok" I whisper as i hand her the purse.
"I love your shoes by the way" The lady says. I laigh a little, she just scanned me with a metal detector and took my purse for security reasons and she tells me she likes my shoes.
"Thanks, I like your hair" I smile and walk through the doors.
"you'll be in the living room, stephenie will meet you there" The lady says before i walk into the room.
"Thanks" I say and walk into the room. The living room had couches and a small Tv. Some tables with a Chest board. The tv was in a plastic see through box that was stuck to the wall. I see a short woman with beautiful dark skin. Her hair was a bunch of crazy curls. Her eyes where black and hollows of madness. The woman carefully comes up to me. She carefully puts her hands on my waist, yet keeping her distance. The lady was a lot shorter than me, which is weird since i'm 5'2. Yet the woman some how looked tall.
"Oh!" The woman coo's. "That's a beautiful baby you have!" She says. I look at her surprised.
"I'm not pregnant" I say. The woman looks up at me and then back at my stomach. She crouchs a little to be at face to stomach level. She puts her finger to her lips and smiles.
"Shh, don't worry little one, i won't tell" The woman giggles crazily. A tall man that reminds me of Preston Burke from Greys anatomy.
"Hey!" The man says. He strides over to us. "Is she bothering you?!" He asks. Somehow, i don't feel bothered.
"No" I say.
"This patient is not to be talked to ma'am" The man says. He covers his face with his hands. "You're here for Stephenie right?" He asks. I nod. "Ok, i'll bring her here" He says. The man grabs the womans wrist. The woman quickly whispers.
"Heaven bless this lovely child" She whispers in a rush and closes her eyes. The man then pulls her away. I shake my head to clear my head of the weird lady.

NeRds University(Sequel to NeRds) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now