Push 'n' pull

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Jace and I finally moved all our stuff inside the house. And by us, I mean Jace because he wouldn't let me move anything. Seriously, not even a cup. Jace was still putting the final furniture inside. I was with Cayden in our private beach. I had Cayden in my arms. I was rocking him side to side. He was still couldn't do anything. And he won't until he's six months old. So when his siblings are four months old. They will all be able to interact more with their surroundings. I was looking at Cayden. His eyes were open. He had Imogene's and Celine's crystal blue eyes. His hair looked brown, but the doctor said it would eventually turn blonde. I tapped Cayden's little freckles nose. He frowned, I laughed at his little frown.
"Why are you so mad?" I ask. Cayden frowns even more. I laugh. And turn around. I scream and almost drop Cayden. Well, now I know why he was frowning. I was Face to face with Imogene's mom. I gulp as I keep holding Cayden.
"Why?" She asks. I look at her. "What do you want? Is it money? Attention? Safety? What is it?" She asks.
"Excuse me?" I ask.
"What do you want? I will give you anything you want, just leave.....leave give the children up for adoption and go!" The woman says. I look at the woman in horror.
"No.....No, I'm sorry for being rude, but no, I can't......I want to be with Jace....and raise my children with him. I.....why do you want me to leave him?" I ask.
"Because, you're not supposed to end up with Jace! He was supposed to end up with someone else....anyone else!" She says.
"Then I'm sorry to disappoint you....but I made a vow to stick with Jace....and I will" I say. I walk back inside the house. Jace stands up, he wipes sweat from his forehead. And sighs as he looks at me.
"Finished" He says tiredly. I smile at him and kiss his lips. His lips tasted salty with sweat. I pull away.
"Eww, you're sweaty" I frown. Jace rolls his eyes and pulls me in and kisses me.


I wake up. Groaning, I looked at the alarm clock. It's three in the morning. I sigh and get up. I go downstairs and get a cup of water. I drink the water. I gasp as I feel something wet in my privates. Then I feel a huge pain. I grind my teeth as I grip the counter. "JACE" I yell. "JACEEEE" I yell again. I hear Jace come running down the stairs.
"Babies?" He asks.
"Yeah" I gasp. He swoops me up into his arms.
"Hold on" He says. He puts me in the back seat of the car. Then he turns the engine on. I try not to say anything since he's already nervous and calling family members to go get Cayden. And he was also driving really fast. I was panting and chewing on my lip, my lip was already bleeding and swollen. Finally Jace stopped the car with a screech. I finally herd the police sirens. Jace curses and gets out of the car. Jace opens the door. And gets me out. He slams the door shut and goes inside the hospital. They get stretchers and put me in them. Police come running in. The doctors start pulling me away.
"Wait, wait stop" I say painfully.
"Miss, you need to deliver the babies now." The nurse says concerned.

The cops come inside the hospital, I was driving 200 miles an hour, what I panicked. "Sir, do you know at what rate you were driving?" The cop asks.
"200 I know" I say.
"Sir, it was a 25 miles per hour street" the cop says.
"I know...listen my wife is about to give birth ok." I explain.
"I'm sorry sir, but that's not an excuse." The police officer says.

"Listen...I'm not giving birth without Jace...I am not going to.....ah......do it" I pant. The doctor looks at the cops and goes up to them.
"What do you think you're doing?" She asks them. The doctor reminded me of Bailey.
"He was driving at 200 in a 25 street."the cop says.
"Then deal with it later! No one got hurt and my patient won't give birth without her husband, so move along and come back later!" She exclaims.
"Ma'am it's protocol to.." the doctor interrupts him.
"I don't care about your stupid ass protocol! My protocol is to get this baby out of her safely and Now. So get out and deal with your dumbass protocol" the doctor says and drags Jace away into a room were they pulled me into. They took off my clothes and I gripped Jace's hand.
"Clary, Clary just, just calm down." He says. I start panting.
"Goddammit JACE! You and your stupid sperm!" I curse as I shut my eyes tightly. I hear Jace chuckle. I punch his chest.
"Ow....that actually hurt" he says surprised. I searched for his hand blindly. I find it and pull him back.
"Ok, ma'am-." I interrupt her.
"Clary....call me Clary." I gasp.
"Ok, Clary, you need to push...but don't forget to breathe" she says. I keep panting.
"Oh....ok" I manage to say as I squeeze Jace's hand. I can tell he feels pain. But he doesn't squeeze back tightly.
"Clary....baby, you have to push" Jace whispers in my ear. I nod and push. I yell and arch my back. Goddamm you Mother Nature and your stupid ways of giving birth! I keep pushing and breathe and push.
"Ok Clary, I see the first head" the doctor says. My eyes snap open.
"First?! But it's been an hour!" I whine. I keep pushing as Jace stays with me cheering me on. Finally I hear a cry. I gasp.Jace leaves me for a bit. And goes with the nurse. I look up and see Jace cut the babies ambilical cord. The nurse then takes the baby away from Jace.
"Ok, Clary you have to push more" I groan.
"I don't wanna" I whine. I sigh and push. It hurts so much but I pull through and keep pushing. Finally I hear another cry. Jace clips the ambilical cord and the nurse takes the baby again. "How long has it been" I asked tiered.
"29 hours" The nurse says. I groan and keep pushing. I feel like I've been pushing for years. I keep pushing. Finally I hear the third cry. I see Jace clip the anbilical cord. And the nurse takes the baby away. My legs give out. And I lie there in the bed.
"How long was it?" I ask.
"It took 48 hours miss" She says. I give a shuddering breath and fall asleep on the pillow.

I was in the nursery looking at my two new baby girls and baby boy, I was holding Cayden in my arms. I smile at the children I have. I go back to Clary's room and see that she's still asleep. I hear her shuffle around the bed. She sees me and frowns.
"I hate you" She groans. I laugh and sit down with on the chair next to her.
"So....names?" I ask.
"Ummm, i don't know...I need to see them first."Clary says. I smile at her and walk out of the room.

Jace comes back with a baby wrapped in a pink blanket with a pink hat. He sits down and puts her in my arms. I gasp lightly at the baby. She was asleep in my arms. She looked so peaceful. She looked like a Victoria. "How about Victoria?" I ask. He grins.
"I was thinking Grace" He says.
"Ok....Victoria Grace?" He glares at me playfully. "What? Grace Victoria sounds a little off" I defend. If that's your name sorry....
"Fine" He says grinning. He kisses my forehead. The nurse comes in with three cribs.
"Here are the babies....and their birth certificates....." The nurse says. I smile and nod. She gives the certificates to Jace. Jace stands up and writes Victoria Grace Herondale in his neat handwriting. I stand up. Jace looks at me.
"Don't stand up...you just birthed three children" Jace frowns. I glare at him playfully.
"Don't remind me" I say. I walk towards the crib. I put Victoria in the empty crib. I look at the other two children.
"I do want to name her Clara" Jace says pointing at the girl. I turn my head and notice she does look like a Clara.
"Clara Elise?" I ask.
"What? like my cozen Elise?" jace asks. I roll my eyes.
"Sure....why not?" I ask. Jace smiles and writes Clara Elise Herondale on the birth certificate. I look at the baby boy. I didn't know what to name him. I had absolutely no idea.
"Oliver"He says. I don't take my eyes off the baby. Oliver, Oliver Herondale. Oliver.
"Oliver" I agree. Jace smiles and writes it down Oliver Herondale. He finishes.
"I wanna go Jace...I'm fine I want to go home" I say looking at Jace. Jace smiles and nods.

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