1. 21st-29th May 2012.

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New York 2008:
There was an 18 year old girl named Scarlet Olsen, her family had moved to America the year previous, she needed to find a job, she was a very shy girl, home-schooled and friendless so she contacted a website designing company so she could work from home. They accepted her since she was smart and great with computers. It was going well until the company went bankrupt a few years later, she had to find another job, she decided it was time to work with people.

New York 2012:
She sent a letter to Stark Industries asking if they had any jobs going for people who have good computer skills. She got a letter back asking some questions about her skills and her personality, she was honest and said she rarely speaks, he asked why. She said she was bullied when she was a child and has trust issues, the only people she trusts are her parents. He asked for her to visit Stark Tower so he could meet her.

New York 21st May 2012: Stark Tower:
I arrive at Stark Tower, Mr Stark is waiting at the front desk for me. Without saying anything he walks to the lift and gestures for me to step in, I do, once the doors close he speaks "It's nice to meet you, Miss Olsen. Mind if I call you Scarlet?" He looks at me, I look up at him and speak in a quiet voice "That's fine, Sir."

I am so nervous, but I need to get used to speaking to people.

"Good." He gives me a smile, I return my gaze to the floor. The lift doors open and I am lead to his desk, we sit and he asks me a few more questions, I answer the best I can, he then tells me what jobs I would be doing and hires me "If it's easier for you, then you can live here, I have plenty of spare rooms." My eyes go wide for a moment, before shaking my head.

I want to stay with my parents.

"No, thank you, Sir." He leads me out of the building with my new contract, I go home to my parents and we celebrate by watching a film together. I start working at Stark Tower the next day, I grow a bit in confidence each day. I can have small conversations with Mr Stark, but he doesn't push me, the only one I speak confidently with is JARVIS, we get along rather well.

New York 29th May 2012: Stark Tower:
About a week after starting working here I'm sitting in the lounge doing some paperwork when a strawberry-blonde haired lady walks in, she runs over and sits down opposite me "Hello, I'm Pepper. This is going to be great having another girl around. We can talk and go shopping together." She's barely even breathing as she speaks so much, I begin to feel cold all over. I can feel myself getting shyer by the second, Pepper is just going on and on, she moves her gaze down to her phone trying to find something she wants to show me, I shiver slightly as cold floods my body.

I've never felt like this before, what's going on?

Then Pepper looks up, she immediately stops talking and looks around a bit.

What is she doing?

"I guess I scared her off." She mumbles to herself, then Tony walks in "What are you doing? I heard talking." "Yeah, I was talking to Scarlet. I think I may have scared her off, I was talking too much again, wasn't I?" "Probably." He walks over and kisses her on the lips.

It's strange, they're acting as if I'm not here, why is that?

As they begin to talk as if I'm not here I feel my body grow warmer, Pepper looks in my direction pointing to the kitchen when she suddenly lets out a scream, which makes me jump. I suddenly turn cold again, then continue to warm up. Tony looks in my direction also, their eyes wide in fear, then he becomes curious "Scarlet?" "Umm... yes, Sir?" Now my body has fully warmed back up.

What was that strange feeling all about and why couldn't they see me? Was I invisible?

"Where did you go?" "Nowhere." "What do you mean nowhere?" "I didn't go anywhere." They look at me in disbelief, then Tony calls out to JARVIS "JARVIS, can you bring up the last..." He looks to Pepper "How long have you been here?" She looks at her watch "Five minutes." "Can you bring up the camera for the last five minutes of this room on the TV, please." "Of course." We all look to the television to see the camera facing me, Pepper walked in and ran over to sit opposite me, she began to talk and kept talking, I see myself look towards my lap and start to grow paler, then I faded away. I turned invisible.

I turned invisible!

Then Tony walked in, they talked and I reappeared. The recording stops and I turn to see their faces looking at me curiously, I bite my lip "You can turn invisible?" I don't answer, I don't know how to "Oh my God!" I jump at the loud and sudden outburst from Pepper, I feel my body instantly freeze, then return to normal, they look even more shocked than before "You just turned invisible when you jumped." Tony explains and I look down at the floor, I can feel the cogs turning in my brain.

That's why I felt so cold then, I feel cold when I'm turning invisible and keep getting colder until I'm completely invisible. Does that always happen when I'm shy then? But it happened when I jumped, so maybe it happens when I'm shy or scared.

I look up to Tony, by the look on his face he can tell I've thought it all through, the only word I can get out is "Interesting." He starts laughing, Pepper is still in shock "Interesting? That's all you have to say, this is incredible and apparently you didn't know you could do it! I need to make a call."

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