53. 13th-14th June 2012.

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13th June 2012: S.H.I.E.L.D: Infirmary:
I put the tray on the table, next to the bed, I grab Scarlet's hand, she focuses her attention on me.

I don't believe he did this to her, he caused her so much damage. He shot her in the lung and clearly manhandled her when carrying her out of there.

"Hey." I try to smile, it comes out rather forced, she smiles through the oxygen mask.

I can see her smile is forced too, my poor Scarlet...

"We'll fix this, you'll be okay, the damage won't be permanent." She gives me a look, telling me to not worry, I sigh and grab her other hand "I can't not worry, you know how I feel about you. About that, I've been thinking..." She squeezes my hands and I look into her sad eyes.

Oh no, she probably thinks I don't want to be with her.

"We said about being together and only keeping it between us and two others, I was thinking... I don't care what others think, I don't care if they look at us, if they judge us, if they get jealous or-or anything! I am yours and if people see that, so be it! But... I don't want to make you uncomfortable, if you aren't ready for us to act like a couple-" I take a little breath "-then it's okay, I'll keep quiet." She lets go of my hands, she holds her left hand flat palm up and her right like she's holding a pen, she moves it across her flat hand "You want to write something?" She nods, I walk up to the nearest Doctor "Do you have a pen and notepad I could use?" "Sure, here." "Thanks." I hurry back over to Scarlet's bedside, hand them to her and sit down, I nervously fiddle with my hands while I wait.

Why am I so nervous? I'll do whatever she wants, I just want her to myself.

She hands me the notepad, I read it in my head.

'If I didn't need this mask to breathe right now, I would kiss you. We won't go around telling everyone but if they find out, so be it. I'm not embarrassed to be with you. I don't want us to have to sneak around together, even though it's really fun. Our friends have a right to know, if they ask. :)'

I let out a little laugh as a genuine smile appears on my face "I would hug you right now, but I don't want to cause you anymore pain." I fold up the piece of paper and put it in my pocket, right where my heart is, I then take her closest hand and just sit there holding on to her. I see a huge smile plastered on her face, she lays back onto the bed but doesn't take her eyes off me. I don't know how long later, probably not very long, but I wasn't paying attention to the time, the infirmary door opens Bruce and Tony walk in.

13/14th June 2012: Helicarrier: Infirmary:
Scarlet spends the day in the infirmary, sleeping most of the time, Nat, Stark and myself kept visiting from time to time, with food and just to give her some company. She seems to be stable, by the end of the day her breathing sounded normal, she was still struggling from time to time and we only took off the mask for sustenance, but definitely improving.

The next morning I walk into the infirmary, to see Tony sitting with Scarlet, I approach one of the Doctor's, who I had asked to keep an eye on Scarlet "Has everything been okay with Scarlet?" "Scarlet? Oh, the one on oxygen. She's been having some problems with her breathing, mainly when she wakes up, but sometimes I think it's due to Mr Stark." "Thank you, how long before she can get out of that bed, do you think?" "Honestly, she can leave the bed now, if you want. I recommend a wheelchair, she might not be strong enough to walk just yet. I checked her over this morning, take the oxygen with you, she still needs it." "Thank you." "Oh and don't forget, no talking, not yet." I nod to her and grab a wheelchair from a cupboard, I push it over to the bed "Scarlet, how would you like to get out of that bed?" She eagerly nods her head "Okay, we need to do this as carefully as we can, you're still injured, take the mask off for a moment. Stark, give me a hand?" The three of us work together to get her into the chair without moving her body too much, once she's sitting I strap her legs in and secure the belt around her waist. I pick up the oxygen tank which was refilled this morning, I strap it onto the back of the wheelchair and hand her the mask. I push Scarlet along, with Stark opening all the doors and guiding us towards the break room, for breakfast. We get in the elevator, Stark pushes the button and I look at my watch 07:16am "Why were you in there so early, Stark?" "Who said I left last night? I didn't want to leave Scarlet alone." He puts a hand on her shoulder and she grabs his hand.

Aww, they have such a bond, like father and daughter.

I can't help but smile at their interaction, the doors open and we walk to the break room. Stark holds open the door and I push Scarlet in, no one else is inside just yet. I pull a chair out from under the table and hand it to Stark who just tosses it to the side, landing on it's side. I wheel Scarlet into the space, Stark sits on one side, while I walk over to the cupboards "What do you want for breakfast Scarlet?"

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