15. Helicarrier Break Room.

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31st May 2012: Helicarrier: Break Room:
I'm sitting in the break room eating and talking to Tasha, when Bruce walks in, he wanders over and makes himself some coffee "How's our little angel getting on?" Tony asks as he walks over to the fridge.

Why does he always give people nicknames?

"Scarlet's doing well, she's got good control over her powers now." "Good, has she been able to do anything else yet?" "Not that she's told me, as far as I'm aware it's just invisibility." "So, she can turn invisible whenever she wants?" I couldn't stop myself from asking "Yeah, if she gets a fright or is shy, she disappears. But she can also control when." "When she touches things or people, do they turn invisible too? I would love to be invisible." "No, objects she touches remain visible and people..." Bruce looks towards the doorway in thought "I don't think I turned invisible when she touched me." Tony interrupts "No, we don't get to be invisible, remember when I first introduced you two? We were holding hands, she was invisible and you were talking to me like you could see me." "Yeah, we could, okay that solves that then. It's just Scarlet that goes invisible."

Shame, it seems like the best ability, I could shoot people and they wouldn't even see me coming.

Out of the corner of my eye, I think I see one of the empty chairs move slightly.

Nah it couldn't have, I'm imagining it. I need more coffee.

I get up and fill up my mug once Bruce is finished "So what's Scarlet like, we haven't really met her yet and Fury told us not to bother you in the lab." Steve asks from the other end of the table "Uh, well... You'll have to wait and find out, I guess."

That's weird, why was Bruce stuttering?

"She's funny, she's sweet, she's rather quiet, but seems to talk more once she gets comfortable and she-" Tony is interrupted by Bruce glaring at him "What?" "Let them come up with their own opinion of her." Bruce stops glaring and heads towards the door "Come on." He says to no one in particular, Tony shrugs and follows him out.

31st May 2012: Helicarrier: Break Room:
"Let them come up with their own opinion of her."

I understand why Bruce said that, they don't know I'm here and he suspects I won't want to know what first impression I made.

He heads towards the door "Come on."

I know he's talking to me, but I kind of want to stay here for a bit, get to know the others while I'm invisible, I'm curious about what they think about me.

He leaves the room and Tony follows him. The room is silent for a moment, I speak quietly, so I don't startle them "Excuse me." Steve's head shoots up from reading the newspaper "Who said that?" "It's Scarlet." "Oh, where are you?" Before I can answer the question Clint butts in "You're sitting in the middle of the three empty chairs, aren't you?"

How the hell does he know that?

"Yeah..." "I thought so, you came in with Bruce, but why didn't you leave with him?" "I wanted to talk... to you lot, get to know you a bit." "Great, what do you want to know?" "Anything really." They are all thinking of what to tell me about themselves, when I hear heavy footsteps in the corridor outside, I look round as a huge man opens the door "Hello friends!"

Wow he's loud, this must be Thor.

Clint questions him "Where have you been?" "I was challenged and I was victorious!" "Of course you were." He pulls out the chair I'm sitting on before I have a chance to move, I hit the floor "Oof!" Natasha leans over the table "Scarlet, are you alright?" "I'm good." I look up at the shock on Thor's face, he just stares at the chair, he looks incredibly confused as he looks to the ground and asks "What?" Clint is laughing, Steve and Natasha are using all their energy to keep a straight face, Steve explains "Thor, meet Scarlet. She was sitting on that chair." I stand up and clear my throat, Thor turns his gaze to me, well sort of, he looks way above my head, expecting me to be taller "Hello, my name is Scarlet, I'm... visiting."

It's true, I'm not an Agent or anything like that, I don't know how long I'll be here for.

I hear running in the corridor "Scarlet!? Are you- Oh Thor, hello." Bruce bursts into the room and almost crashes into Thor.


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