56. 7th-14th July 2012.

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7th July 2012: Helicarrier: Infirmary:
That night we had a sleepover, all the Avengers, Agent Hill and myself slept in the infirmary together, all the beds were moved into one corner of the room, so we could all be close together. Thor, Agent Hill and I slept on chairs, Natasha fell asleep at about 12:30am, shortly after, I managed to drift off. I wake up to a poking sensation on my arm.

I assume I turned visible once I fell asleep, thank goodness, I was beginning to think I would remain invisible forever! I can't be bothered to open my eyes just yet.

I keep my eyes closed, as I'm continuously being poked, I keep my head on the arm of the chair and my body curled into a tight ball.

I'm fully awake now, but I won't give the poker the satisfaction of knowing.

I hear him whisper, it sounds like Tony "Blimey, she's a heavy sleeper." He tries tickling me, I don't react, so he starts poking my left cheek.

That's it, I've had enough, I know just what to do.

The next time he pokes my cheek I bite his finger "Ow! She bit me!" Thor speaks "Serves you right." I stay with my eyes still closed and body still curled up "Did she sleep bite me!?"

Sleep bite? He's going to poke me again isn't he.

"Get your finger away from me, Anthony!" Immediately after saying that, I open my eyes, to see his finger mere centimetres from my cheek, I send him a glare until he backs off. I then glance around and realise everyone is watching in amusement, my eyes fall on Natasha, the only person amongst our huddle, who is still asleep.

She looks so innocent when sleeping, I don't think I've ever seen anyone look so cute with cuts, bruises and injuries, while sleeping.

A hand wakes in front of my face "Oi, angel!" I snap back to reality and turn to a smirking Tony "Huh?" "You were staring lovingly at Natasha, got something you want to tell us about?" I feel my cheeks heat up.

He knows, he definitely knows, they're all either smirking or confused, apparently not all of them figured it out.

"Maybe..." "Come on, angel, spill the beans, do you have a crush on the Black Widow?"

He thinks it's just a crush? Oh.

"In a way..." "Aww!" "Well, sort of." Now he looks confused "Sort of? What do you mean sort of?" "A crush is when someone likes someone, right?" "Yeah... where are you going with this, angel?" "It's not a crush when they do something about it, right?" His eyes light up "You're going out!?" "Yeah." My cheeks burn like mad, I start fiddling with a button on my blouse, I look towards her sleeping body and bite my lip "How long?" "My birthday." I hear a few gasps amongst the crowd, even a few of the other people in the room seem to be listening.

I don't care, I don't care what they say, what they think, how they treat us.

She starts to wake up and I grab her hand, she opens her eyes and sees only me "Morning Scarl." "Morning Tasha, how'd you sleep?" "Alright, how did-" Her eyes flicker over to the group, she blushes, I squeeze her hand and her gaze returns to me "They know." I give her a smile, it's returned "Alright." "Okay, that was adorable."

Wait to ruin the moment Tony!

I let out a little giggle. We all talk for a little while before Thor, Agent Hill and I grab everyone some breakfast and sit with them to eat. We spend the rest of the day looking after the others, with a lot of protest from Natasha "It's my turn to look after you now."

The next few days I spend looking after the Avengers, for once they need help, they spend most of their time either in the infirmary or in the break room. By this time they are feeling much better, some of their injuries have healed enough, some are still out of action. Which became the perfect opportunity for the planet to suffer at the hands of evil, oddly enough there were no attacks during those few days.

14th July 2012: Helicarrier: Break Room:
I'm sitting in the break room with all the Avengers, apart from Thor who is in Asgard. Clint's arm is in a cast, but no longer in a sling. Natasha has to walk with crutches at the moment, due to her leg being in a cast. Tony also uses crutches, to help him along. But everyone else is pretty much fine, a little pain here and there, a few minor injuries, but it's all clearing up well. We're having lunch, when Fury walks in "A large unidentified object was just spotted, landing in the Pacific ocean, I'm sending a team to dive down to it and see what we've got, Rogers, Olsen, would either of you like to accompany them?"

I wonder what they've found, should I go? No, I think I'll stay here with the others.

I shake my head when Fury's gaze lands on me "I'll go." Steve stands up, followed by Clint "I want to go too."

I can't imagine Clint trying to swim with his arm in a cast, it wouldn't go well.

Fury gives Steve a nod, he crosses his arms across his body and stares at Clint "You still need to heal." No one else volunteers so Steve and Fury walk out of the room.

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