4. Memories 2006.

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England March 2006: Memories:
I think back to being home-schooled.

My mum home-schooled me, she taught at a school during the day and taught me in the evenings, now she has her evenings free. My dad was always in our basement, his lab, experimenting... It must have been the chemical incident.

I close my eyes, thinking about when I was 14 years old.

I was at home, it was a weekend, I was helping my dad in the lab, I was just handing him things when he asked for them, occasionally stirring solutions. Then he asked me to watch the solution while he went upstairs to get a drink. Shortly after he left one of his test tubes started bubbling like mad, I tried to calm it down, but I couldn't fix it. I turned my back to it, I was about to call for him to come back, when I heard a loud bang and a shatter of glass. I felt pain in my back, I fell to the floor, everything faded to black. I woke up laying on my front in a hospital bed, my parents were sitting beside me, as soon as I opened my eyes I heard my dad speaking "Oh, I'm so glad you're okay, sweetheart. I didn't know it would blow up like that, I thought we had it under control. I'm so sorry." "It's okay." A Police officer stepped forwards "I'm afraid it's not okay, you came out with few injuries, but we don't know what those chemicals could have done to you. I'm issuing you a warning, Mr Olsen, if you or anyone is brought into a hospital from injuries your experiments caused, you will be sent to prison, with all your chemicals and equipment confiscated." I saw the look of horror on my dad's face, the Police man continued "For now, you will have to rent out a warehouse to continue your experiments, at your own risk. And I recommend not having your daughter present." He marched out of the room, I breathed a sigh of relief. My parents looked at me, worried and apologetic. I was kept in hospital for a few days, before I got to return home, the injuries made by the glass were on the mend, apart from that I was fine. My mum had said when they heard the explosion they ran to the basement to see what happened, mum had taken me straight to the shower removing the glass and cleaning off the chemicals as best she could, before the ambulance arrived. Dad had rented out a warehouse, but didn't spend as much time experimenting as he used to, he spent more time with me and mum.

As I think back, a small smile brakes out on my face.

I've been a lot closer to my parents since then, we never did figure out what those chemicals did to me. That's it, that must be it! They turned me invisible!

I quickly lift my head up and open my eyes, with a smile still plastered on my face, my eyes meet Bruce's.

He's been watching me this whole time, hasn't he?

I feel myself starting to blush as the smile fades from my face, he gives me a friendly smile "I know why." His face lights up with curiosity "When I was 14 there was an explosion in my dad's lab, glass from the test tubes flew into my back, some of the chemicals were spilt onto me." I pause for a moment, a smile forming on my face.

I feel so excited having figured it all out!

My voice grows a bit louder as I continue.

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