18. Helicarrier Gym.

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1st June 2012: Helicarrier: Gym:
I hear Nat "Hey!" She didn't shout like she was angry, it sounded more playful. I look over as I hear the door open, a few Agents walk in to do some training. Natasha suddenly stops playing around, she puts on her serious voice which earns a suspicious look from Scarlet.

That was weird, Nat isn't usually this fun.

Barton enters the room and Nat jumps out in front of him "Do me a favour."

It wasn't a question, it was a statement, she does that a lot.

"What do you need?" "I'm testing Scarlet, I want to see if she can shoot and use throwing knives, that's your specialty." "Sure, come on." Scarlet follows Barton over to a target on the wall. Nat hands her some throwing knives and hands the rest to Barton. He looks at Scarlet, she looks up at him, he throws the knife, landing right in the centre.

He's incredible, didn't even have to see the target.

She looks to the target and her face shows how shocked she is, her mouth is open and her eyes wide. Nat retrieves the knife while Barton shows Scarlet how to hold the knife and throws another one as an example, then it's her go, it lands on the very edge of the target "Not bad, most people miss the target first throw, here, try again, aim for the very centre." "Hang on." She makes her way over to her bag and takes out a pair of glasses, puts them on her face and takes the knife. She takes a deep breath and throws the knife, it lands in the circle just outside of the bullseye zone. Nat and Barton look at her, I can't see their expressions, but I assume their surprised and impressed.

I'm impressed.

She lets out a nervous laugh, as she starts to turn invisible, but Barton stops her "Hey, you should be proud of that." She turns fully visible and shows a little smile "What else can you do that you didn't tell me?" Nat crosses her arms over her chest and taps her foot impatiently.

1st June 2012: Helicarrier: Gym:
"How do you know how to do that?"

She's making me so nervous, looking at me in that way, she's so intimidating.

"Well, I-I play darts with my dad." "That's good, why don't we see if you can use a bow and arrow?" Clint offers, I give him a small nod and he walks out of the room, I lower my gaze to my feet "You need glasses?" "Yeah... when I'm focusing on something." I start to raise my eyes to look at her, but notice she's still tapping her foot, so I keep my head down "Oi, look at me." I slowly look up to her, as she steps closer to me, once my eyes meet hers she's barely a foot away from me "Why are you so shy?"

Oh no, she's bringing that up.

I feel myself begin to grow cold, she grabs my wrist, surprisingly gently. She's about to say something, but I see her change her mind and ask something else "Why are you so cold?" "Th-the more invisible I become, th-the colder I get." She understands, as my temperature plummets, she shivers a little, but doesn't let go of me "You need to learn to trust us, you need to let us help you. Shyness is weakness, let me help you overcome that." I feel heat slowly move throughout my body, as I ask "How?" She opens her mouth to respond, but Clint walks into the room carrying a bow and a box of arrows "Got 'em!"

I wonder what she was going to say.

Natasha quickly lets go of me and takes a step backwards. Clint hands me the bow and shows me how to hold it, I'm not as steady with a bow and arrow as I am with a throwing knife. The bow's string hurts my fingers and my hands shake slightly, it's just the way I am, my hands are never completely still, but to shoot an arrow they need to be. After a while of practicing we realise arrows aren't really my thing.

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