47. Helicarrier Lab & Break Room.

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11th June 2012: Helicarrier: Lab:
I don't know why Stark is being so protective, if she wants to eat in the mess hall, then that's up to her.

"So, what should I do today? Do you need me here for anything?" "You can stay if you want, we could see how long you can stay invisible for, something has always gotten in the way of completing it." "True." Stark, who had been quiet since asking about breakfast, speaks "Alright well I've got to buy some equipment, be back in a while." He puts his hand on Scarlet's shoulder and gives her a smile, before walking out. Scarlet watches him leave, I'm about to ask if she's okay, but as soon as the door clicks shut she draws her attention to me and a smile forms on her face "You ready?" "I want to tell you about something first, I need to try and get my mind off it, so I can focus on being cold." "Alright, is everything okay?" Her smile grows even bigger "I'm... great!" She leans close to me to whisper in my ear "I have a... partner, we met up this morning and decided to tell one person each until we're more comfortable, then tell others."

That's so sweet, she's got a boyfriend, I wonder who it is.

I whisper back to her "Do I know him?" She nods her head enthusiastically "It's Natasha, don't tell anyone, not yet." "I promise." "Thank you, now let's do this." I pick up a notepad and pen, I get ready to write down the time. She closes her eyes and settles her breathing, she calms herself down, but her face frowns in confusion "Perhaps it's because your mind is too busy." She begins humming something, slowly she turns invisible, as soon as she is completely gone I look to my watch and write down the time 09:17am. A few seconds later she stops humming "Alright, what should I try whilst being invisible?" "I just need to finish this before we can go anywhere." "Okay, I'll doodle while I wait, if you don't mind?" I hand her a piece of paper and pen, then get back to my work.

11th June 2012: Helicarrier: Break Room:
Once I'm finished, we leave the lab and go for a quiet walk around the helicarrier, whenever we come across an Avenger, we stop and talk. We test to see if she can hold conversations while staying focussed on being invisible, we head to the break room for lunch, we are the first two there, until Nat turns up, she smiles at me and sits next to where Scarlet is sitting.

I don't think she knows Scarlet is here, should I say something?

"Hey, I was wondering if Scarlet had spoken to you yet, about... something?" "Yeah, she told me this morning, I'll keep it quiet." She smiles at me "Thanks, it's just until we're comfortable, we don't want to be bugged about it." "Sure." "Speaking of the little devil, do you know where she i-?" She almost finished asking when her eyes open wide.

I think she just found out Scarlet is there, she probably hugged her.

"Hi." "Oh, hi." A big smile appears on Nat's face, as she hugs back, the three of us just sit in silence for a moment, before the door clicks open and they release each other.

11th June 2012: Helicarrier: Break Room:
The rest of the Avengers walk into the room, a chicken wrap and lemonade are sitting on the table in front of me, I haven't started eating yet.

I think I'll wait for everyone to sit down, before I spook them.

They all take a seat, Clint points to me with a smirk on his face.

He is one smart assassin.

He opens his mouth to speak but Tony speaks first "Is Scarlet with the lads again? You'd think she'd want to spend time with us."

He sounds so sad, do they feel like I've been ignoring them?

I silently get up from my chair, he continues "We've been friends longer, we've been there for her through everything." I run round the table and wrap my arms around him "I'm so sorry, I didn't know I made you feel that way, I helped Jimmy, then he offered for me to join him and his friends to eat, I thought it would be a good idea to know a few other people." I take a breath and feel his arms tighten around me, I look down at my feet as I continue "I don't eat with them often and yes you lot are so much more important to me, you've helped me grow in confidence and helped me through my rough times." I take another breath, I hear him chuckle slightly, as I continue once again "I wouldn't trade you for the world, they don't even know I can turn invisible, I'm so sorry!" "Okay, now take a proper breath. I don't think I've ever heard you say so much, in a whole day." Everyone starts laughing, including me "I'm sorry everyone." Thor speaks "You have nothing to apologise for, Lady Scarlet." He looks at me, but realises he's looking at Tony's chest so he looks away.

Oh yeah, this must be pretty weird, because I'm still invisible. Actually I'm glad I managed to stay invisible throughout all that, I'm not changing back now, I need to see how long I can keep this up.

Tony releases me from the hug and puts his hands on my shoulders, he looks at me, we're about the same height, but he still looks down at me.

Thank goodness he doesn't know where he's looking.

"Scarlet, angel, we love you. I was just worried." "Thank you." Someone speaks from the doorway "Are you two having a moment?" We turn to see Director Fury, with a curious look on his face, I quickly speak "No, definitely not!" The Tony explains further "She's like a daughter to me, you creep!"

He thinks of me that way?

I turn back to him, my voice quiet "Really?" "Yeah of course, kid." Fury clears his throat. "Creep?"

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