44. 9th-10th June 2012.

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New York 9th June 2012: Stark Tower:
After depositing a drunken Iron Man in his room, Lady pepper and I make our way back to the main room, she heads to the kitchen, while I approach the others. Lady Natasha and Lady Scarlet are both drunk, talking closely and constantly giggling, Captain Rogers is watching them, with an amused expression on his face. Lady Pepper walks in with a glass of water, she is a little drunk, but not as bad as the other ladies or Stark. It seems the only non drunkards are Captain Rogers and myself.

Maybe I should introduce him to Asgardian alcohol, I've been saving it for once everyone else had left.

I walk over and take a seat next to him, I pull out my flask, pick up an empty glass and pour a little in "Captain, would you care for a drink?" "Alcohol doesn't do much to me." "Perhaps this will, this is Asgardian alcohol. I too feel no pleasure from Midgardian drinks." I hand him the glass and take a sip from my flask. He sniffs the contents of the glass, shrugs slightly and takes a sip. He looks at me with his eyes wide "Blimey." I give him a smile and a pat on the shoulder, we drink and talk together, until we're both drunk and talking nonsense.

New York 10th June 2012: Stark Tower:
I wake up to light streaming in through the windows and a banging headache.

It must have been one hell of a party.

I look at the clock on my bedside, 7:12.

Why is it so early?

My stomach growls, so I decide to head to the kitchen for something to eat, on my way there, I hear laughter. I poke my head round the living room door, Point Break and Spangles are sitting on one of the couches laughing, they aren't currently drinking, but are most definitely drunk.

Must be Asgardian stuff to hype up a God and a super soldier.

I look at the couch opposite, Pepper is curled up at one end with her arm around Natasha, who is spread out over most of the couch, her own arms wrapped around herself. Scarlet is laying on her back with her legs hanging over the back of the couch, her head barely being supported by the seat.

I've never seen anything quite like it, they look adorable.

I take out my phone and stand facing the couch, I take a photograph of the trio and text it to each of them.

They'll find those later, I'll make sure to keep the original and frame it for all who visit to see.

Thor's loud laughter breaks me from my thoughts, I rush towards the kitchen, to escape the noise and find some food, I pull out my favourite cereal and pour myself a bowl. I sit on a stool and eat my breakfast, trying to ignore the pounding in my head and the mixture of laughs and snoring from the room next door. After eating I take some painkillers for my headache, get dressed and ready for the day, I head back to the living room and hear beautiful silence. I poke my head into the room once again, to see the God asleep on the floor leaning against the front of the couch, with Capsicle curled up on the couch.

I've got to take a photograph of this, they'll never live this down.

I take a photograph, I can't send it to Thor because he doesn't have a phone, but I send it to Cap.

At least he won't be able to delete it, he won't know how.

I hear a yawn from behind me, I turn to see Pepper stretching and gently pushing Natasha off her leg "Morning." I whisper, she gives me a small smile and nods towards the kitchen, we sit and talk quietly as she has something to eat.

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